Internet channel Why do they charge for it?

Internet channel

I dont see an option to buy 500 points in Wii shop.. am i missing something. I have 1000 denominations.. I need only 500 for the internet channel. Help !
capple123 said:
I'm sure I would use it if it was free. Sucks that I bought my wii after the free downloads ended. Maybe there is a reason to dish out $5 for it. What though?

It's $5 because, it's an underpowered browser, with less features, less flexibility, and is pretty much outclassed in every category by a free browser(s) that can be run on any PC made in the past 15 years - see? worth $5!
ncube2 said:
I dont see an option to buy 500 points in Wii shop.. am i missing something. I have 1000 denominations.. I need only 500 for the internet channel. Help !

1000 is the smallest amount you can buy.
The internet channel is worth a lot more than a one time fee of $5. Now that I can watch online videos on my sofa, me and my non-gamer girlfriend have all the t.v. we need. I canceled my cable, stopped buying dvds, and purchased an Hdtv Bunny Ear Attena for $20. We can't afford a new computer- so I opted for the wii. My coworkers tell me that with xbox, i would not only pay my normal internet bill, but I'd also have to pay for Xbox Live- and you have to pay to watch any videos- and the videos can only be used for 48hrs. i watch movies on youtube, google, megavideo, routers, and youku all the time with ease (thanks to sites like videolemon, poppers list, peekvid, and well, youku takes a while to load... but still-
remember, xbox doesn't let you search the web either! i'm writting this post on my wii right now! *thank god for wii's keyboard capabilities*
Seriously though folks- the internet channel has saved me money. I look at the one time fee of $5 as an investment in free entertainment- with a guaranteed turn around of limitless videos and news updated daily.
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edcoche said:
BTW, macbooks are awesome! F the PC.

Macs. For people who brag about wearing velcro-tennis shoes. "Hey, look at me, I don't have to tie my shoes anymore!"
That answer your question?>firms need to make money's!
Personally i would have bought it, now theres wesbites that have exclusive wii games which allow you to use the wii mote and its motion control!!!!!!!!
Also now we watch movies, YES MOVIES on our tv off the wii, I stream them of the pc! WICKED INNIT!
also there's a few movies on google video you can watch on your tv off the wii, all you need a wireless router and a decent connection, i watch comedy vid's off youtube and google, with a basic broadband package, without any loading problems!!
Now i can share allot of the Funny clips off the net with my family, and they love it!!
AAAAAAAAAAAnd we're always streaming episodes of simpsons off the net too.
FLIPPING HELL, we're really reaping the benefits of the wii!!!!!!!
it costs 500 wii points, and i think its an outrage its not free.

but no worries, i have a laptop HA, take that you stupid internet channel

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