Internet browser on Wii

The opera browser WILL be free until June or July then it will cost. Nintendos way of saying thanks for buying it.
specialsauce said:
You can do quick research while watching a television program ("What was that actor's name again?")...
do they think that people are gonna be watching tv, then all of a sudden hit the "tv/video" button on their remote, then turn on their wii and go online just for that?

btw, would u be able to download anything of the internet onto the wii. not sure if thats been brought up yet.
If it's a ONE TIME charge then it's ok, but a reoccurring fee will be a huge Mistake on Nintendo's part.
The Internet Channel will be available for a FREE download until June 2007.
Once you get the browser... you will have it forever.
There is no monthly fee associated with the channel.
But after June 2007, you will have to pay ONCE for the browser.
Then you have it forever as well.
Utonium. said:
The Internet Channel will be available for a FREE download until June 2007.
Once you get the browser... you will have it forever.
There is no monthly fee associated with the channel.
But after June 2007, you will have to pay ONCE for the browser.
Then you have it forever as well.


So does that mean if you get it before then you never have to pay?
I aint paying 20quid for a browser nor will i be paying for it monthly ( if so )
I would rather w8 till i see patchs on the web were i can download and browse across free. They said the net would b free, so why say they gonna charge for it,

I think ya find ya will have to buy the browser channel. with wii points, aint gonna cost much and a 1 off payment,

If its gonna cost a bomb then looks like i will look along for a free browser from hackits
man you guys are cheap. you pay xxx amount of dollars for the system but do not want to pay a small amount to have the ability to browse the internet on it!?!?! Seems like a no brainer to me. Internet in my living room. Sounds good.
CasopoliS said:
man you guys are cheap. you pay xxx amount of dollars for the system but do not want to pay a small amount to have the ability to browse the internet on it!?!?! Seems like a no brainer to me. Internet in my living room. Sounds good.

doesnt mean we are cheap. its jsut stupid if a browser is going to cost money. $5 for one is still expansive, when on your computer it can be free. PS3 browser is free. i dont understand why it would be on the wii
I don't mind paying a one time fee for this, but what about an antivirus program like Norton or AVG, what would Nintendo do in order for you to surf safely? Or will that cost a little extra?
sure that would cost extra. that would be weird if consoles got viruses haha dayumm
free on the ps3? dude it's only $400 more for several reasons. that's one of 'em. you're charged for everything it's just worked in. It's a piece of software, nintendo had to buy a license for it, why wouldn't you expect to pay for it? It's free on your computer because most of 'em are open source projects, but nintendo no doubt had to pay Opera to code it for the Wii and it's not easy to make a browser that will work well (display wise) on a television. So there would be translation plug ins etc.... it makes sense for it to be a few bucks. More than a VC game is rip off.
novaa said:
sure that would cost extra. that would be weird if consoles got viruses haha dayumm

Very unlikely that it could even happen. Have you ever heard that Mac's are safer then PC's? It's kinda true, but not because of what Mac has done. There are much less people making malicious software for Mac's because not many people use them compared to PC's, that's why they are a little safer. So what im saying is people would have to make software specifically for the Wii console and what are the odd's that you will come cross it on the never ending internet? As far as pop ups and things like that, they most likely will not exist. So if you wana brose a site that requires pop ups, too bad(its for the better good).

As far as paying for the net. Why are we cheap? Did we not buy the Wii, Games, Controllers, Cables? Didn’t most of us wait in ridiculous lines just to give Nintendo money. After all, as much as I love the Wii it’s just a Game Cube on steroids. I know Nintendo is a company and companies need to make money. But when you’re on the bottom on the totem pole (imo) sometimes you have to lose a little to get to the top and Gain a lot. (I work in Marketing)

We shall see,
is there flash?

would i be able to watch videos?? if so, that'd be awesome!

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