India delivers again - Baby born with two faces

Monsteroids said:
Meh... Theres still possibilities of pain and short life though. Not that I want this, but you act as if being worshiped solves all of your problems.

GOOD point.........
Monsteroids said:
Meh... Theres still possibilities of pain and short life though. Not that I want this, but you act as if being worshiped solves all of your problems.

GOOD point.........
i worship my wii but theres still problems
Yeah, but man India is way deep into their religion man, and that includes the doctors and governmental officials. Im sure she can get financial support for all her medical needs from them yo.
Dorkfish said:
Yeah, but man India is way deep into their religion man, and that includes the doctors and governmental officials. Im sure she can get financial support for all her medical needs from them yo.

Yeah but STILL, there isn't much you can do about two faces. The extra brain and heart work. Possible messed vision and such.
Would you care about that stuff if you could have anything you wanted at any time? Everything catered to you on a whim? Free chocolate pickles?
Dorkfish said:
Would you care about that stuff if you could have anything you wanted at any time? Everything catered to you on a whim? Free chocolate pickles?

You're not funny.
I dont think he was trying to be funny
i think he has an apeal to chocolate pickles
ewww mental image =/
I'm believing the story, but every time something happens like this in the country that's popping thousands of babies out a day, it gets deep coverage and is immediately compared to the many Hindu Gods and Godesses, and worshipped as it's reincarnation.

Trust me, this isn't the first time something crazy like this has happened in India. There's a few more. They're trying to kill off 100,000 dogs in India right now, I say they sell them (alive, not dead for meat inspection reasons) to Korea since it is a delicatessen there! And they're looking for MORE dog...

It sounds like the nastiest thing ever, but if you were born in Korea and into their culture and lifestyle, chances are, you wouldn't think so at all. After all, we come from places where people keep them as pets. Just bear in mind that you could have been a dog-loving Korean too (seriously) and that you shouldn't think of them as "crazy" lol. ANYWAYS...
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Monsteroids said:
You're not funny.

The first part wasn't trying to be funny, i just threw the chocolate pickles in there as an example on my part because everyone knows thats my favorite food.

Dorkfish said:
because everyone knows thats my favorite food.



I only agree with Tyler. You're finding humour in this poor child's severe disability. That's cruelty in my books. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

The fact is, in this developing country there is almost no possibility that this child will live for very long. I'd be interested to hear more, though.

EDIT: I agree with EDIT 2: Monsteroids, too. This girl isn't going to get the chance to live like a goddess. She's going to die. For me, life > chocolate pickles.
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Worshiped as a God+Everything she could ever want, all i said. When was i making fun of her? Find it and quote it or i win.
AndThen? said:

I only agree with Tyler. You're finding humour in this poor child's severe disability. That's cruelty in my books. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

The fact is, in this developing country there is almost no possibility that this child will live for very long. I'd be interested to hear more, though.

EDIT: I agree with 'roids, too. This girl isn't going to get the chance to live like a goddess. She's going to die. For me, life > chocolate pickles.

Thanks but my name is based on my friend's comic cartoon (as well as the hb one), not bloody ass blisters. :mad5:
She may not live long enough to know shes being worshiped dude. That means no pickles.
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Omg.. That's extremely disturbing..
It'll probably only be able to function one face, but then again what do I know.
Great, but weird find.

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