Improving Pokemon

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2 player story mode. How the heck would that even work, much less end up being a good story?
Not saying it has to be in every game, but in at least one game it would be really cool.

Two players, two parties, double battles. You could split up of course.
Eh, I don't know how to respond to Dirge's post since I agree with everything and I don't know what to add. It's certainly very helpful, though.
^ This.

A bigger world would most definitely be necessary for a MMO Pogeymanz, as would be cooperative story playin'. That aside, I'm inclined t' agree.

Besides being the catalyst for this here thread, sure.

lolsure. That one post is clearly why everyone posted. :lol:
lolsure. That one post is clearly why everyone posted. :lol:

No.... the discussion between Neosquid and I over him being spoiled by Xenoblade led to another discussion over how his favorite series could be improved to similar quality. Which got us here.
oh lol k

In that case, thank me for spurrin' Nick to take this thread from... elsewhere, 'n posting it here.
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No.... the discussion between Neosquid and I over him being spoiled by Xenoblade led to another discussion over how his favorite series could be improved to similar quality. Which got us here.
Xenos gonna Blade
Considerin' all the games don't end once the main plot does, a branching story would be relatively easy to create. I ain't suggestin' we make Pokemon all Elder Scrolls-ish (... though, that'd likely be grand :lol: ), but multiple different paths to take through and after the story, sort'a like quest lines, only makes sense. Battling obviously is the main story, yet nothin' 'sides beatin' gyms, owning the evil team every game has and becoming Champion has any accompanying plot. There's no special stories to accompany completin' the Pokedex. Contests have no plot to 'em, makin' the minigames undesirable to anyone who don't care for it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; linearity is one hell of an obstacle Game Freak's gonna have t' break to make Pokemon's plot anythin' truly grand.
People say there should be games with all the regions. Thats crap. It would be better if they just did something where it would connect to your other game and send through more difficulty or something. Let's say you beat Heartgold with Typhlosion, Steelix, Scizor, Pidgeot, Victereebell, and Lanturn. Then you want to play Black or something. It connects with that game, and gives you you pokes, and just does some fancy computer code and adjusts the levels of the Trainers, and you keep the Heartgold sprite.

Or, they could just make more dual games, because Hoenn adventures happen at the same time Kanto does, and same with Johto and Sinnoh, so they should remake a Hoenn/Sinnoh game.
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