Imagrants GIVEN Wiis to play before bein deported

Squall7 said:
Not really. Most of the time, there's recognisable services such as "The Cloud", which is basically a freeware internet access service, specifically for surfing in public places. There are other ones out there too. It's when you get specific makes of router (like Belkin or netgear) that it's most likely specifically for personal use.

Over here there have been cases but they all get shot down in courts if they wernt protected networks.

Its harder to tell what a free network is these days because making a hot spot like a Wifi Cafe or even just adding it to your buisness is common place in a large populated areas.
I know if i walk downtown i will have acess to about 50 hot spots most of them will be the name of the buisness and its unlocked so you know its part of there customer service to draw you in. Half the time it says Default or Network when i run across them.. Maybe Belkin or the name of the router itself but there is no way to tell its a private network unless its secure or it just so happens to say "Bills Network" i doubt it will get really cracked down on its the saem thing as stealing any other information it so hard to prove the amount and what you do or do not have the rights for...

Lets just say there is no reason to fear the cops busting down your door fopr this type of crime... i still wouldnt go bragging about it no matter how popularly accepted it is..
wezeles said:
Thats the thing though isn't it Everyones entitled to human rights...
True, it's very much like smoking in this country - people complain about the right to smoke in pubs, but what about the people that don't smoke? Shouldn't they have the option of not having to passively smoke?

Of course, this is slightly different, in that society should be protected not just for a time, but for good. But then, since our current attitude is to keep people in prison to stop them from causing havock on the streets (so to speak), rather than to rehabilitate them so they can function in society, we're getting a duff deal.

psst... unless they are outside your boarders... ha ha
I would be angry at that if it weren't for the fact that I knew you were joking. It's unfortunate, that its realistic that someone says it and means it.

Just the sad state of the world... don't worry though im sure eventually we will blow ouselfs up and be put out of our misery.
Hopefully, it'll be more of a case that people will wake up to certain truths in our societies and rebel. Hopefully, it won't come to mutual destruction. Remember, true power is with the proletariat. /Marxism
Squall7 said:
Why should that matter? It's not like you can prove a direct correlation.

Besides, there's a difference between breaking the law (like driving whilst using a mobile phone, breaking copyright protection on DVD's to burn them to your computer or by leeching off someone's unfirewalled wifi connection) and actually being put away for it. Also bearing in mind that not all crime is reported to the police, and therefore getting actual figures could be impossible to get hold of.

Also remembering the cause and effect, whereby the next effect was created by the last effect (for example, if someone is angry at you, you could shout back at them. Shouting back at them could make them burst into tears). In essence, things happen like a chain reaction. Because of this, putting blame firmly on a single cause is neither productive nor a correct assumption.

it was a joke, no need for a novel
Oh wait.. You are in the freaking UK?! You have no damn clue how bad it is in the US right now. I live next to two families sharing the same damn house. The kids are always outside, for obvious reasons the house wasn't meant to hold I think 12 people?! I can't tell how many of them there are. Too many for a single house. No air conditioning either. Poor kids. They just started moving in, which is ok until you start cramming too many of them into a single house.
sagema said:
Oh wait.. You are in the freaking UK?! You have no damn clue how bad it is in the US right now.
I think the rest of the world knows more about the conditions in the US more than the US knows about the conditions of the rest of the world. Believe me, the way the US yaps on about this problem, I think EVERYONE knows.
Especially with the flow of original media. i.e. media exports out of America is significantly higher than imports, especially considering the American love of buying rights to media and remaking it. It's a wonder the US gets anything other than Americans on their TV's. /rant

I live next to two families sharing the same damn house. The kids are always outside, for obvious reasons the house wasn't meant to hold I think 12 people?! I can't tell how many of them there are. Too many for a single house. No air conditioning either. Poor kids. They just started moving in, which is ok until you start cramming too many of them into a single house.
That is a very unfortunate circumstance, and I agree that it shouldn't be that way. However, I would prefer that to having those same families in their own country unable to live.
Squall7 said:
So what, political discussion is not productive?

uneducated and unsupported discission is nonsense.
politcal discussion when you are blind to other ideas is pointless.
rukus said:
uneducated and unsupported discission is nonsense.
politcal discussion when you are blind to other ideas is pointless.

I'm sure you being up your own ass is quite blinding for you, sorry to hear that.
rukus said:
uneducated and unsupported discission is nonsense.
politcal discussion when you are blind to other ideas is pointless.
That's merely speculation.

Why would you say specific people on here are "uneducated"? Simply because of their political perspective? People choose what to believe and what not to. Besides, I am certainly educated. I may not be educated in a high level of politics, but then saying that only those that have studied politics at university level (or whatever) should be allowed to discuss politics undermines the democratic process.

Besides, I have never heard of any politician that is not "blind to other ideas". Saying you should only have political discussion when people have open minds is not neccessarily a good thing. Usually the best made points are made by people who keep on fighting for a certain thing. Take for example, Pressure groups. If they were to "have an open mind" they would have only one option - to turn back and go home. It's through determination that people change things. Ever heard the quote "Nothing worth doing is easy"?

And lets face it, the media, as Axlar put it, "always distorts things and exagerates them". So what kind of objective, "supported" arguements can we concoct in such a climate? All we have left for discussion is the flawed, biased and subjective arguments and their rebuttals.
fair enough. some of you may know what you're talking about. but the cross-spectrum of the forum shows most to be unable to form their own opinion without the help of others.
im not blind. i know what im talking about.
some of you are VERY quick to jump on someone as soon as they sau something that emasculates you,

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