Im a Wii Newbster :)

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WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2007
Ok i just got a wii and im wondering about firmwares, hacks and such......ive hacked my ps2 and psp and i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for this type of thing on the wii.......maybe loading games from the sd card slot or playing *so's.....any help would be appreciated :yesnod:
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As long as i know, the only thing that you can do, is to play backups with a modchip.

I don't know if threats about this stuff is alowed neither. So, that's all i can say.

In the other hand, welcome men, to the forums! See ya around!
happypappy said:
Ok i just got a wii and im wondering about firmwares, hacks and such......ive hacked my ps2 and psp and i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for this type of thing on the wii.......maybe loading games from the sd card slot or playing *so's.....any help would be appreciated :yesnod:

Pirating is bad :(, you make Nintendo fanboys cry.

Seriously, games cost money for a reason: because they're worth it. Not paying for your games is like a slap in the face to all the people that put so much effort into them.
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sorry but for YEARS and YEARS!!!!! ive paid full price for games and have been ripped off over and over year after year......its called technology, if these programmers cant keep up on these exploits then thats their problem....and believe me, they are getting their damn bread....homebrew is just a small percentage of users
happypappy said:
if these programmers cant keep up on these exploits then thats their problem...

Well, if your house gets robbed because your door was not solid enough then that's your problem. Yet robbing houses is a bad thing and you cannot expect people to encourage it...
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i understand all your thoughts....sorry i was just looking for a lead thats all.....take care everyone
happypappy -- What did you do to your PS2 and PSP? I'm not asking how you hacked it but what's the difference before you hacked it and after you hacked it? Basically, what are the benefits?
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