IGN Matt: Medal of Honor Controls destroys MP3

Yeah i personally like to be able to move the cursor around the middle quickly without moving the screen... then when I want to move the screen I just use the edges and set the sensitivity high, i know its a little different than most but I find it very responsive.

I know I like these settings cause I played the Half Life 2 mod for the PC which allows you to use the wiimote to play HL2. You can adjust the sensitivity and bounding box settings and that was what I found to be most comfortable for me. But customization is key for controls like this and that is why I hope all future FPS games will follow suit and allow complete customization. There is no reason not to allow it :)
LevesqueIsKing said:
Because Matt said so? I highly doubt that this (or any game in the near future) will have more accessable controls than MP3.
Matt is the biggest Metroid fanboy you'll ever hear of dude, if he's saying that its through gritted teeth of disbelief...if he says their better..they bare better!
This is really promising. I rented MP3 and it was really easy to pick up the controls. The first Medal of Honor I played for 10 minutes before I put it down because the controls were horrid on the Wii.

Cant wait for online, to this day I still play Call of Duty online on the PC.
Mr.NiceGuy said:
Umm so I guess you only read the first post huh Leves...
Metriod only offered 3 different control schemes which were good but this game has an infinite amount of control schemes since YOU control the horizontal, vertical sensitivity as well as the size of the bounding box.

Sorry but more options equals more accessible controls mainly cause you can tailor them to your own likings... read my post above for what I prefer which metriod doesn't offer (although no complaints about metriod, i just like to have fast sensitivity with a 'large' bounding box which MP3 doesn't offer)
Interesting opinion, although i doubt many people played the game on anything but the highest setting, which was near-perfect imo.

Lock on/Free aim is revolutionary.
Gam3rFr3ak said:
Ive been anticipating MOH Heroes 2 since I first heard about it....the 32 playa online multiplayer is gonna be incredible:yesnod:
me 2

I really cant wait for this game to come out!
LevesqueIsKing said:
Because Matt said so? I highly doubt that this (or any game in the near future) will have more accessable controls than MP3.

Accessible? The point is they are customizable. Virtually every decent FPS reviewer has had some complaint about one control scheme or another. Too tight, too loose, too much free aim, not enough. Customizability is vital to the success of the IR control scheme.
Adjusting the sensitivity of the controls are one thing, but how exactly is this going to be much better? I'm assuming it'll help for some people, but I have never in my life of any FPS gaming did I ever had to adjust the senstivity. And plus MP3 controls were almost as perfect as you can get...wondering how they're going to top that.
I bet no fps games used a pointer controller like the wiimote?

With a mouse I never had to adjust the sensitivity. Because the mouse is on a solid surface and you can steer youre screen with fast or slow movements.

With a remote/pointer that is very light and only in your hand its going to be difficult in making that shot.

I just bought metroid prime 3 and I cant shoot very accurate while im running. Guess its just gettin used to. But its very different than controlling an fps with the mouse
WingGunner said:
Adjusting the sensitivity of the controls are one thing, but how exactly is this going to be much better? I'm assuming it'll help for some people, but I have never in my life of any FPS gaming did I ever had to adjust the senstivity. And plus MP3 controls were almost as perfect as you can get...wondering how they're going to top that.

It's not for everyone. It's for people who are going to invest serious time playing it online, not just 8 hours on the campaign.

Players who are less serious about precision and speed can just use default controls and be perfectly happy. Players who are more hardcore will want to tweak the settings.

However, it's not just about adjusting "sensitivity"--several games have some sensitivity adjustment. Bounding boxes are something new to FPSs. They've been used in RTS for a long time, but with more room for error. In an FPS, the dead zone area is going to be a very personal thing for a lot of players. Not having customization available is no longer acceptable. EA Canada did good.
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this game has a great future ahead of it, this is gonna be a seller
you bet zap, i've been saying for ages that this is the defining fps shooter for the wii. I envy 360s b/c of halo, but if this game looks as good as it plays, there's no going back to the old controller.
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cant wait... Im waiting for IGN to post more things about it..... I havent tried a FPS on the wii like the other medal of honor, i have metroid but i never really got into it.. but i cant wait for this.. its going to rock... next week or this weekend i plan on going to reserve it!

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