if you dont have a sd card or a usb

oh yeah- and Circuit City had 1GB cards for $3 after thanksgiving. my neighbor just got one today and they honored the price...
I have gmail and i cant mail a pic to myself.
the first i tried got rejected by mailer daemon for being to large, and never went to my wii.

then i tried a much smaller pic, got the message on my wii... but no pic!?
wtf mate?
Did you go to your photo channel? Go to the photo channel and select the one that says something about searching message board posts for pictures, not the SD card one. It should work that way. If not...I dunno! :shocked:
so i got pics to my wii. but theres nothing to do with them =(

i was hoping to set wallpapers or something, but at least i can make it into a puzzle...