If you could have one superpower...

Noel said:
Probability is a pretty devastating motion, and I believe it can be controlled. :D If someone were to believe that every little thing effects something else, and they learn how to use that in the way that they want, even if it's to increase the chances of something happening... well, they can keep increasing the chance to actually have something extremely good happen to who ever they want, no matter what they want, as long as it can happen.
But, it sure would take forever for someone to figure out how to do such... probably more than one lifetime. :)

Yes, I had an IP check done Gene....

I like this post much better. Why can't you explain it like this? you're version is so dark :/

I hope it doesn't take that long :wink:

to stay on topic.....I want to be able to talk to somebody...free of charge...on dial-up.

edit: sorry for the double.