if U cun reed dis click it

yeah...um... gimme a sec.

This should have a good affect on our community :D

Wait...yeah, okay, um, yeah!
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  • #39
RadNad said:

I still don't understand what you guys are on about...

You wrongly pluralized "apostrophe" with an apostrophe.

Seriously though, you insisting on correcting poor grammar is much more annoying than the original posts.
Brawny said:
I would openly mock kids; I'll give engineering a shot first.
Hey there is nothing wrong with that style of teaching, it makes for some entertaining classes I must say.
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  • #42
LevesqueIsKing said:
Seriously though, you insisting on correcting poor grammar is much more annoying than the original posts.

Meh. I don't do it that often. It's not your opinion I go by anyway. :wink:

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