If i get this at launch

s,pose so. i actually only have 2 controllers and i need to sell one for my GC set to recieve more money.
And anyway my interest lies with one player games. id buy all the multiplayers for the wiimote.
once again game designers arent goign to mmake a game that doesnt use the consoles controllers that would be stupid and i think im my opion that the retro controller wont be with the back then they would have games that would use the normal controller
Sam_Harris said:
once again game designers arent goign to mmake a game that doesnt use the consoles controllers that would be stupid and i think im my opion that the retro controller wont be with the back then they would have games that would use the normal controller
.. What u say? I didn't get a word
Maybe you hold the controller horizontally? Anyway it doesn't matter.. just by one of them new ultra-cool classic wii controller :cool: looks good, and u can still play SSBB if the Wiimote doesn't work..
Nuff said
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Wiired said:
Maybe you hold the controller horizontally? Anyway it doesn't matter.. just by one of them new ultra-cool classic wii controller :cool: looks good, and u can still play SSBB if the Wiimote doesn't work..
Nuff said
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yea thats what its called, lol. or what im talking bout at least

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