Idea for an Add-On Hard Drive

Major Tom said:
Yeah if use the new microdrive/flash Harddrive (Thats what the best Buy employee called them) it wouldn't take up much space. They come in up to 100gig.

Microdrive isn't flash. It's a physical normal spinning HDD. They are extremely slow at reading and have a tendancy to go bad pretty often.
simmorya said:
What about using a 4GB Flash USB Stick? They are small as.

You can already buy 4 & 8GB SD cards. If all you want is 4 or 8GB, there's no point in going with a HDD. Just buy some flash memory.
simmorya said:
You have to wonder why Nintendo make stupid decisions like this. I mean.. whats the big deal with letting someone use their USB drive?

I wouldn't be surprised if they ADD that feature. Right now the USB ports are kinda useless, so I'm sure they have plans for SOMETHING like that.
wii_cammy said:
ok stop that was a triple post!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get over it. I was replying to three separate people about three separate things. Any admin who bans over something like that needs to remove the corncob from wherever it's shoved. I don't know the admins here, but I'd hope they were more common sensical than that.

The "no double posting rule" applies to the same topics being posted multiple times in the same or multiple forums. They don't want the place spammed.
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