I Would Like To Thank:


wiiiing since 11/19/06
Nov 10, 2006
Dallas, Tx
Wii Online Code
Hey this thread is to give a shout out to all those people who support your addictions. come on, be thankful. The Wii comes out the week of thanksgiving-coincidence?? I THINK NOT.

seriously tho, they may never read this but at least we're giving em cred!!

I'd like to thank my wife. She could throw a fit and whine about me blowin some money but she's not. She's gonna wait in line with me for it! And i'd like to thank my friend Tino, who's gonna tag team my place in line for me at 8pm cuz i gotta go to work.
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awe come on, ya'll ppl whoz parents are buyin a wii for you cant even say how cool that is??
I would like to thank myself. For everything. I work for my money, I pay for the wii with my money. I wait in line... alone for my wii. Oh and I would also like to thank Nintendo for haunting my dreams for the past month worrying about getting the Wii.
I would like to thank all my friends whom I will not see hide nor hair of for the first couple days while I beat Twilight Princess. I would like to thank our local EB games for accepting my reservation the first day they accepted them. I wanna thank my workplace for letting me get money to buy the Wii. Also, (voice gets louder as music starts to play in the background) I wanna thank my parents for making me food so I don't die while I play my Wii for days straight. And, I wanna thank this smiley for being funny :idea:

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