i wish you could return virtual console games...

lee.jarratt said:
I can't believe i bought sim city for snes lol. I wasted 800 points on that crap :wtf:

Simcity for the SNES rocks! The only Simcity in existance thats better is Simcity 3000 for PC. I hated Simcity 4 for PC. They ruined it by trying to connect it to "The Sims".. another game.. genre I could never get into...
CrowTRobot said:
Um, the only games that cost 1,000 points that are out right now are Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda OOT, and MarioKart 64.

You're telling me you don't like one of these games?

there's Lylat Wars aswell, in the UK anyway..
Digitalldj said:
yea Demo's would be the best idea, take out a sample of the gameplay from the beggining or mid game and let them play for like 5-10 minutes

Play many rpgs then
5 mins in and your not in a battle
The first stage/battle whould be a better idea
or something like a part ex where the next game costs half the points
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I mean, like they keep track of how many times you played it...
for instance,
play it 1 time and you get all your points back.
play it 2-3 times you get only 9/10 your points back
play it 4-10 times you get only 7/10 your points back
play it 11+ times you get 100 points back
that wouls suck because people will find a programm hat will keep track of how to gltich the system to think that you keep playing it one time or you just leave the game on. Then refund it after you are done playing it
Qualzonic said:
I mean, like they keep track of how many times you played it...
for instance,
play it 1 time and you get all your points back.
play it 2-3 times you get only 9/10 your points back
play it 4-10 times you get only 7/10 your points back
play it 11+ times you get 100 points back

it is easier said than done... how are they going to track it since many people just hit the home button and let it be suspened, and it would be a hassle on the person playing.. imagine you want to squeeze in a quick game before work in the morning and just when u entered the game.. you realized that you actually don't have enough time.... there goes one "play"
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well, i guess that would be bad then, but, that is if you like it or not. if you didn't like it the first time, wouldn't you just return it? if you just really liked it, you would keep it until you beat it.
This sounds more reasonable to me...
pay 1000 points for the game... If you wish to return it because it sucks horribly, Nintendo refunds you 900 points instead of 1000. I'd be all for that route.
i bet if they let your return it in the future they would give u like half the points or something...
i bought Streets of Rage last night and now im the one filled with Rage.......
VC Game a Rip-Off

YES, I will never buy a VC game if a similar game can be found on DS or GBA. Because I can trade or exchange cartridges but VC games are lock to one registered Wii only, When you are done with that game, there is no value left in it. I consider that a rip off.

Another rip off is Nintendo is forcing us to buy points in 1,000. OK, I just want ONE game that cost 800 points, why should I donate 200 more points into their profit, and if I sell my Wii, I doubt that I will be able to claim my 200 points back.
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