i want a ps3

Wii&Ps3 said:
I do like the wii. Im bored with the games. This is the ps3 section to talk whatever you want about the ps3 (good or bad). If you dont like it, then get out :yesnod:

I guess nobody has been negative towards me? Ive been threatened a few times, and made fun of a bunch of other times. Who gives a crap? I dont and ive taken the most crap. Again if you dont like it, then get out :ciappa: I could be threatening people or swearing at them but I dont.

Double posting is against forum rules kid.
acphydro said:
It's great that there is somewhat limited availability in few areas. There still aren't any around here and my brother still cant get one!!!

By the way, people treat you like that because your credibility is well uncredible. You are highly opinionated and provide few facts. You make statements and try to make points that make no sense to the topic.

Right :lol: Most players/software sold, backed by more movie companies, and much larger storeage than hd dvd. I guess blu ray will lose :scared:

Outsold the 360, ps1, and ps2 (not combined) and the ps3 is in a slump :scared: Did you know it hasnt even been released in europe or australia?

If that isnt credible enough for you, I guess I could find a way to get the president to make an official announcement that the ps3 is doing well. Would that help? Or should I go for the pope? Maybe I need Osama Bin Laden?
acphydro said:
Double posting is against forum rules kid.

Do you mean making two of the same posts, or making a post right after another one? I dont see the big deal since im quoting different people. Is that all you have? :lol:
Wii&Ps3 said:
Right :lol: Most players/software sold, backed by more movie companies, and much larger storeage than hd dvd. I guess blu ray will lose :scared:

Outsold the 360, ps1, and ps2 (not combined) and the ps3 is in a slump :scared: Did you know it hasnt even been released in europe or australia?

If that isnt credible enough for you, I guess I could find a way to get the president to make an official announcement that the ps3 is doing well. Would that help? Or should I go for the pope? Maybe I need Osama Bin Laden?

It's good that you agree with me finally. Most players/software sold belongs to HD-DVD as we've been trying to tell you for weeks. Many proof has been linked as well, not out fault you refuse to read it or are a compulsive liar. Many more companies do support the HD-DVD movement your right.

You'd just need real proof of your opinions and not based on your beliefs or what you think or what you read on blu-ray.com or any other site geared towards sony.

Wii&Ps3 said:
Do you mean making two of the same posts, or making a post right after another one? I dont see the big deal since im quoting different people. Is that all you have? :lol:

Double posting is either or. Read the rules. Doesn't matter who you are quoting, you can combine multiple quotes into a single post. The rules are there for a reason and being you can't follow simple rules that also ruins your credibility. Acting like a child on the internet because you don't know any better is not a good excuse.
good f--king god. im unsubscribing from this thread im tired of getting emails from it. wii&ps3, its all yours bro. btw the things you say that i dont respond to are because theyre lame just in case you didnt figure that out. if you say something that is so dumb, i dont even feel like responding, than that is why. and i get tired of you saying i said stuff i didnt say or twisting things around. regardless good riddance. this is by far my last post on this frigging thread.
dedpoet777 said:
good f--king god. im unsubscribing from this thread im tired of getting emails from it. wii&ps3, its all yours bro. btw the things you say that i dont respond to are because theyre lame just in case you didnt figure that out. if you say something that is so dumb, i dont even feel like responding, than that is why. and i get tired of you saying i said stuff i didnt say or twisting things around. regardless good riddance. this is by far my last post on this frigging thread.

It's fun keeping him going. He can't stand that he has been proved wrong on many levels so he keeps making pathetic last ditch efforts to try to say something, yet he can't quite find the words to do so and utterly fails. I enjoy reading his posts daily, they provide quite a few laughs and remind me of the stupidity I used to see in high school.
luiangulo said:
I HAVE A PS3 FOR SALE.IT IS NEW IN ITS BOX.COST 400USD.GET BACK TO ME THROUGH MY EMAIL ADDRESS:luiangulo20@yahoo.com,luiangulo30@gmail.com.


You are most likely a scammer. Let me guess...no credit cards or paypal accepted? Just western union and moneygram right? Please do us a favor and GTFO.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Dont go slugging sales figures? I think thats what determines if a system is doing bad. That makes no sense.
Don't go slugging sales figures about the PS2 around. I've heard many an arguement of people giving PS2 as examples of a high priced machine at first, or a machine that didn't do so well until a few years in.

Everybody knows they are taking a hit. They said they should be breaking even by the end of 07. Did you know sony sold the most tv's over 36" in 2006than any other company? I think that might help make up for it ;) Sony is a very large company. They knew how much they were losing on the ps3. They wouldnt have released it if it would have made them bankrupt. Sure there are ps3's on shelves. Its a $500-$600 system. Whos gonna spend that much right after x-mas? Income tax returns are coming, and were finally getting some good games in late feb-march. Sony has one decent game out right now, which doesnt give a big incentive to buy a ps3. March is going to be a very big month for Sony.
Yes, but the whole point of the PS3 (from a buisness sense) was to help infiltrate the market with Blu ray. The standalone players have been touted as being expensive, and the PS3 a cheaper alternative, but since there's not that many PS3's sold, Blu ray sale are being effected.

vhs isnt even dead yet. I still see people renting them at video stores. Dvd wont be going anywhere for a long time.
Exactly. There's no real compulsion to buy HD if there's still so much SD stuff available. Oh, and to be fair, I haven't seen many VHS tapes being sold recently. As far as 'market penetration' is concerned, DVD is top dog at the moment.

Since hd dvd was optional, that is what is going to kill it. What incentive to people have to buy it? How many has microsoft sold? I believe it was less than 200,000 units. I will try and find the link. Theres almost 2 million blu ray plays on the market right now. Common sense tells you what?????
HD DVD is optional, meaning that people don't HAVE to buy it when they wish to get an 360. How many people have bought PS3s strictly for the Blu ray movies? People who don't game, aren't going to buy a machine designed for gaming, with a little add on that they want. Oh, and common sense tells me that those figures you're touting are flawed for one reason:
You're comparing Units sold (200,000) to Units on the market (2,000,000). Also, It'd be interesting to see actual HD DVD units sold (rather than simply the 360 add on) and also, how many of those 2 million Plu Ray players are PS3's.

I posts 99.9% of my posts in the ps3 section. I guess that means I should tlak about the wii more. OK fine I will. My wii barely gets played anymore, sue to the lack of good games. Does that make you happy? I will talk about the wii more, when I get a better game to play. Until then im sticking with the ps3section :)
Quite frankly, no. You don't talk about the Wii in the regular sections. Lack of good games? There's a lot of people here talk about upcoming games, online systems, heck even in the lounge is people talking about random stuff. You're not. You don't seem to be able to connect with this community because you are only interested in touting 'facts' to 'prove' people on here 'wrong'. Hence, you do not seem to fit in with the community, and would therefore probably be better off somewhere else.

I do like the wii. Im bored with the games. This is the ps3 section to talk whatever you want about the ps3 (good or bad). If you dont like it, then get out
I'm gald you do like the Wii, how about showing it a little more, like saying which games you're looking forward to and such. This is the PS3 section for the community to talk about the PS3 (you don't seem to be part of that community).

I guess nobody has been negative towards me? Ive been threatened a few times, and made fun of a bunch of other times. Who gives a crap? I dont and ive taken the most crap. Again if you dont like it, then get out I could be threatening people or swearing at them but I dont.
Sure, harsh words were said on both sides, but since your posts seem to be against the community as a whole (i.e. bashing everyone else who doesn't agree with you, whilst not contributing at all to the community), I just feel like your energies are being wasted here and that you'd have more in common on a different forum.

By the way, if you were threatening and swearing (at least if I saw you), I'd report you.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Yeah ok. I made one post in another thread. Big deal. I posted "there are 5 wiis sitting in my local walmart". Thats not speaking negatively. IM speaking of what I saw. If you cant come to grasp with reality that stores are starting to have them in stock, then i dont know what to tell you.

By you still never replied to my post on page 2.
You have to admit we'd be skeptical. Out of all the people on this board, you're the only person who has seen a stockpile of Wiis.
CrowTRobot said:
You have to admit we'd be skeptical. Out of all the people on this board, you're the only person who has seen a stockpile of Wiis.

Very very true :lol:

And he wonders why his credibility is tarnished.
Ah screw it, cant stay out of here with so much nonsense.

Wii&Ps3 said:
Everybody knows they are taking a hit. They said they should be breaking even by the end of 07. Did you know sony sold the most tv's over 36" in 2006than any other company? I think that might help make up for it ;) Sony is a very large company. They knew how much they were losing on the ps3. They wouldnt have released it if it would have made them bankrupt. Sure there are ps3's on shelves. Its a $500-$600 system. Whos gonna spend that much right after x-mas? Income tax returns are coming, and were finally getting some good games in late feb-march. Sony has one decent game out right now, which doesnt give a big incentive to buy a ps3. March is going to be a very big month for Sony.

Since hd dvd was optional, that is what is going to kill it. What incentive to people have to buy it? How many has microsoft sold? I believe it was less than 200,000 units. I will try and find the link. Theres almost 2 million blu ray plays on the market right now. Common sense tells you what?????

1. Do you actually think the profits from Television sales go to the playstation department or something? lol
Just because companies do good in one spot doesnt mean it makes up for the spots going bad. They just kill it.

2. Who cares about the players? thats not going to benifit the Ps3. When you can buy players for less then the Ps3, and most people will buy anything to do with bluray for movies. I doubt the Ps3 is going to get any boost in sales from a victory in the format war.

3. March is also a big month for the Wii... So dont think they are going to take the industry by storm or something lol.

4. Why do you think Europe will want the Ps3 anymore then here? its going to be MORE over there then it is already here. And Bluray probably wont even leave a dent for a few years over in Europe. Im sure if you took the sales of the Wii or Xbox360(not sure bout xbox) in the countries they are currently released in they would have much more consoles sold then the Ps3.
Don't go slugging sales figures about the PS2 around. I've heard many an arguement of people giving PS2 as examples of a high priced machine at first, or a machine that didn't do so well until a few years in.

So what makes it different than the ps3? Its high priced and still sold more.

Yes, but the whole point of the PS3 (from a buisness sense) was to help infiltrate the market with Blu ray. The standalone players have been touted as being expensive, and the PS3 a cheaper alternative, but since there's not that many PS3's sold, Blu ray sale are being effected.

2 million shipped and about 1.3-1.5 sold last time I checked. Thats not alot? Theres alot less hd dvd players on the market (add on and standalone combined) I saw a link before but I cant find it. I will look for it.

Exactly. There's no real compulsion to buy HD if there's still so much SD stuff available. Oh, and to be fair, I haven't seen many VHS tapes being sold recently. As far as 'market penetration' is concerned, DVD is top dog at the moment.

Of course dvd is top dog. I never said it wasnt

HD DVD is optional, meaning that people don't HAVE to buy it when they wish to get an 360. How many people have bought PS3s strictly for the Blu ray movies? People who don't game, aren't going to buy a machine designed for gaming, with a little add on that they want. Oh, and common sense tells me that those figures you're touting are flawed for one reason:
You're comparing Units sold (200,000) to Units on the market (2,000,000). Also, It'd be interesting to see actual HD DVD units sold (rather than simply the 360 add on) and also, how many of those 2 million Plu Ray players are PS3's.

ps3 has been shown to be the best blu ray player on the market. The ps2 could have never said that about playing dvd's.

Its funny you say its a machine designed for gaming with a blu ray add-on. Most people here think thats backwards. I think it does both very well.

The ps3 has sold more than 200,000 units. I think thats what you were talking about. Maybe im wrong? The ps3 has sold about 1.3-1.5 million. Maybe more now. http://www.engadget.com/2007/01/08/live-coverage-from-bda-press-conference/ is an interesting read.

Quite frankly, no. You don't talk about the Wii in the regular sections. Lack of good games? There's a lot of people here talk about upcoming games, online systems, heck even in the lounge is people talking about random stuff. You're not. You don't seem to be able to connect with this community because you are only interested in touting 'facts' to 'prove' people on here 'wrong'. Hence, you do not seem to fit in with the community, and would therefore probably be better off somewhere else.

Why do I need to talk about the wii? Do people make you talk about certain things? Im in the ps3 section so I talk about the ps3. This isnt a communist country :shocked:

I'm gald you do like the Wii, how about showing it a little more, like saying which games you're looking forward to and such. This is the PS3 section for the community to talk about the PS3 (you don't seem to be part of that community).

Im not looking forward to any games. Maybe sadness, but I have no idea whats its about. I dont understand why I need to talk good things about the wii. It seems to be your obsession.

Sure, harsh words were said on both sides, but since your posts seem to be against the community as a whole (i.e. bashing everyone else who doesn't agree with you, whilst not contributing at all to the community), I just feel like your energies are being wasted here and that you'd have more in common on a different forum.

I belong to lots of forums. Im quite happy here thanks. Im starting to see a pattern with you.

By the way, if you were threatening and swearing (at least if I saw you), I'd report you.


Here is some suggestions. Stop obsessing with me. Its kind of weird, and not in a good way. Im in the ps3 forum so I will talk about the ps3. If I have anything to say about the wii, I will go in the appropriate forum.
1. Do you actually think the profits from Television sales go to the playstation department or something? lol
Just because companies do good in one spot doesnt mean it makes up for the spots going bad. They just kill it.

They need to make a profit as a whole. While they are losing money on the ps3, they are making alot of money on the tv's. This will balance it out so they can continue to sell it. THink of it like this. Lets say they lose $250 per console. Sony is estimating in selling 6 million consoles before summer. Thats 1.5 billion dollars lost just for the ps3. They better be making that money up somewhere else. Tv's would be a great start.

2. Who cares about the players? thats not going to benifit the Ps3. When you can buy players for less then the Ps3, and most people will buy anything to do with bluray for movies. I doubt the Ps3 is going to get any boost in sales from a victory in the format war.

When blu ray wins the format war, it will just be another incentive to buy the ps3. Get a blu ray player included with an awesome console.

3. March is also a big month for the Wii... So dont think they are going to take the industry by storm or something lol.

I never said anything about the wii. I said sony will do very well in March. Lots of great games and they are releasing it to the rest of the world.

4. Why do you think Europe will want the Ps3 anymore then here? its going to be MORE over there then it is already here. And Bluray probably wont even leave a dent for a few years over in Europe. Im sure if you took the sales of the Wii or Xbox360(not sure bout xbox) in the countries they are currently released in they would have much more consoles sold then the Ps3.

Europe is a very big market share. The ps2 sold extremely well there. The wii will outsell the ps3 in every country for a long time. I dont understand why you keep bringing it up though????? Sounds like your obsessed too. My point is the ps3 will sell good in Europe. If you dont believe me, just wait until March and see for yourself.
CrowTRobot said:
You have to admit we'd be skeptical. Out of all the people on this board, you're the only person who has seen a stockpile of Wiis.

5 wiis is stockpiled? You just love to throw out exaggerated words dont you? If they were still selling for alot on ebay I would have bought all 5. I felt it wasnt worth my time after paying out ebay and paypal fees for the little amount of money left over.
Wii&Ps3 said:
So what makes it different than the ps3? Its high priced and still sold more.
It's different because the market is different (other consoles actually being quite successful so far this time around - especially with the amount of choice now available in the market). Also, the functionality is different (DVD was already fairly established when the PS2 was launched, and the fact that you didn't have to buy a new HDTV to actually notice the difference in graphics). The PS2 and PS3 are very different. One cannot be used to illustrate why the other will be on top. It's the equivolent of saying that The Wii will fail because the Gamecube did (sales wise anyway), which is also not true.

2 million shipped and about 1.3-1.5 sold last time I checked. Thats not alot? Theres alot less hd dvd players on the market (add on and standalone combined) I saw a link before but I cant find it. I will look for it.
Ye, well for a start, we already know that figures can be wrong, and secondly, they can be skewed to fit any arguement.

Of course dvd is top dog. I never said it wasnt
That was to illustrate why I went with the example of DVD instead of VHS. Not meant as a "I've proved you wrong".

ps3 has been shown to be the best blu ray player on the market. The ps2 could have never said that about playing dvd's.
1st, DVD isn't a Sony owned format. 2nd, Shown by whom, and in what way 'best'? 3rd, if the 'best' blu ray players are not selling well this close it it's release, isn't there something wrong?

Its funny you say its a machine designed for gaming with a blu ray add-on. Most people here think thats backwards. I think it does both very well.
Well, Sony tout it as an etnertainment centre. It comes from a line of gaming machines. It is a gaming platform. To say otherwise is like calling mobile phones "mp3 players with messaging services". I don't think people on here think that it's backwards. In fact I would go as far as to say that many people realise that it's a gaming machine with blu ray tacked on, to try and penetrate the market, getting blu ray into homes. Whilst it is a blu ray player, it's the gaming segment that sells to the fanbase.

The ps3 has sold more than 200,000 units. I think thats what you were talking about. Maybe im wrong? The ps3 has sold about 1.3-1.5 million. Maybe more now. http://www.engadget.com/2007/01/08/live-coverage-from-bda-press-conference/ is an interesting read.
Nope. You've got that completely muddled up. I was saying that the comparison you made was flawed because you were saying the HD DVD add on for the 360 has sold 200,000 compared to Blu Ray (rather than PS3) 2,000,000 on the market.
a. units sold is not the same as units shipped.
b. comparing a single unit for HD DVD against the entire line of Blu Ray isn't a fair comparison.
Wii&PS3 said:
How many has microsoft sold? I believe it was less than 200,000 units. I will try and find the link. Theres almost 2 million blu ray plays on the market right now. Common sense tells you what?????

Why do I need to talk about the wii? Do people make you talk about certain things? Im in the ps3 section so I talk about the ps3. This isnt a communist country :shocked:
Why do you need to talk about the Wii? You do realise this is Wiichat don't you? You're in the PS3 section of Wiichat. Also, I know this isn't a communist country. It's not a country at all, if you haven't noticed. It's the internet. It gives you a voice being on here, but it sure as hell doesn't give you the right.

Im not looking forward to any games. Maybe sadness, but I have no idea whats its about. I dont understand why I need to talk good things about the wii. It seems to be your obsession.
Then why ARE you here? It's certainly not to mingle with people with a connection. You're here to troll, and if you don't stop, I'll report you for doing that. Funnily enough I am a fan of the Wii (not obsessed), which is a good thing when I come here to post on Wiichat. If you don't like the Wii, then fair enough. But then why do you post here if it isn't to troll? What consturctive reason have you for coming here?

I belong to lots of forums. Im quite happy here thanks. Im starting to see a pattern with you.
Do you not have anything in common with the people on there either? If you're so happy posting on other forums, then go post on them. It'll be better for everyone.

Here is some suggestions. Stop obsessing with me. Its kind of weird, and not in a good way. Im in the ps3 forum so I will talk about the ps3. If I have anything to say about the wii, I will go in the appropriate forum.
Obsessing? If I have a chat with somebody, it doesn't mean I'm obsessed with them. What I'm obsessing about is why you're here in the first place. You don't seem to fit in with the community, and I don't see what you could possibly get out of it. The only thing I see is a load of trolling and flamebaiting, which is not allowed in many forums (including this one).

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