I THink Something is wrong with my wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 23, 2006
OK i have WiiConnect24 on so i have the yellow light on my power button when its off ive been waking up like in the middle of the night to cheek on my wii and it is hotter thin when i turned it off thin i try to turn WiiConnect24 off and it dus not get hot is there any thang wrong with my wii ?

Dus your wii get hot when its off and WiiConnect24 is on ?
and on WiiConnect24 all thangs all on but it gets hot when the standby connection is on

Dus any of your guys wiis do that ?
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its up to you but look at it this way....
you havent seen ninty advertising the wii with one of them on it, so i cant see the wii over heating or anythink
Nothing is wrong with your Wii. Search and you would've found this exact same thread 60 other places.

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it is not really Love if you have to pay for it :p
Flunk You2 said:

Your funny :)
Not funny, just tired of seeing the exact same threads EVERYWHERE. I can't even find a decent thread anymore. Just the same old ****, people who can't search.
Kryptenx said:
Not funny, just tired of seeing the exact same threads EVERYWHERE. I can't even find a decent thread anymore. Just the same old ****, people who can't search.

i admit yes the threads are getting boring but all we can do is help and ask a mod to shut the thread :)
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So is my Wii ok ?

Can I Keep Standby on without it hurting my wii ?

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