Hot Wii

Just be happy you don't have any burning sensations when you Wii

I have a new game involving the Wii! When it gets really hot you can unplug it and toss it round with friends. 'Hot Wii' (Plays like Hot Potato)

I can imagine they will have an upgrade for this in the future. The fan is so quiet I've never heard it... but then I've never really paid much attention to it either.
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ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
I've had to move my games as the clear plastic cover of LoZ:TP started to melt when it was stood alongside my console! Its the first time I've noticed it get hot and it had been on standby (WiiConnect24 On) all day.

Has anyone else had similar problems?

[PS: Should this be in hardware?]
Give the Wii room to breathe. It's not a book end, put it somewhere where there's nothing within at least half a foot of it.

Nick111 said:
anyone know about the squeaking madden disk?
does anyone else's do this?
I notice the same noise when playing DBZ. It's just the disc spinning, then stopping, and spinning again. It does it, when you return to the Wii Menu also. It's no big deal. All CD players do it, just some are louder than others. Have you heard a Playstation that's 6 years old? It makes some HORRIBLE noises, but it's nothing wrong with the hardware.
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I asked Nintendo of Euope about this and they said since the fans are not working it gets warm and that the Holes at the left side must get air so that the Wii won't burn. Clean the holes and put your Wii somewhere that they can get plenty of air(and I don't mean outside :p). Mine was getting HOT because the TV blocked the air
How are u suppose to clean those left holes?
you would have to take the wii apart
Use a vacum cleaner ?? Thats what i use to do with my ps2 and GC
Would it be better to just leave the wii on instead of having it on stand by so that the fan is on at all times???