itguy07 said:Guess I must be in the minority in that I like the "kiddy" games and I'm an adult. I'm looking forward to Mario, Zelda (just got my Wii), etc. And I even like a lot of the adult games as well (want to pick up Godfather).
Then again, I'm not a hardcore gamer - like to unwind for about an hour or so at night. The "kiddie" stuff fills that void quite well (loving Sonic) for me. I don't have to get majorly invested in it, can have fun and be entertained.
If all I wanted was FPS and "adult" games, I would have got a PS3. I like the VARIETY of the Wii. You can go from Kiddie to Adult decently now and I'm sure with the sales figures of the Wii more publishers will come in time. You can't ignore the #2 selling (total sales) next gen console for long.
Congrats on getting your Wii! It really is an awesome system and LoZ: Twilight Princess will you have so engrossed in the storyline and game its ridiculous. The game is amazing to put it simply and I hope you bought it as as first game. Now I obviously don't know you very well and all but if I were you I'd get a 360 for FPS and mainly adult games since they have a GREAT online system already in place and the console is definitely a heavy duty piece of equipment. Plus theres a new eidition coming out that is going to be really sweet from what I've read so I'd wait to hear more on that. Anyways welcome and I look forward to talking with you.