I Think My Aim Has Been Stolen!


WiiChat Member
Dec 26, 2007
OMG I am sooo mad right now, I tried logging into AIM a few mins ago, and it said my password was wrong. So I tried 5 times just to make sure I miss spelled it. Then I tried to creat a new one, and I cant...someone changed everything. How do I get my AIM acount back?? :(
Did you click on forgot password? Although that might be creating a new one...
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yes, and my birthday and security password are both gone...well changed anyway.
HyPeRsHoCk said:
Make a new AIM, then IM the punk who stole your account. Say...links with viruses in them or something like that.

Ok now.....If this dude was crafty enough to steal his AIM I don't think he's gonna fall for the virus links:wtf:
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eh I dicided not to make a new Aim I dont want to lol..chatting on AIM doesn't seem important sense all the people I talk to are in my cell I can just text them for free. Its the same thing really xD.
tank said:
Ok now.....If this dude was crafty enough to steal his AIM I don't think he's gonna fall for the virus links:wtf:
Yeah he would. He has no idea who any of the people on the buddy list's are. So obviously if he messages him and says ''Hey (real name) Check this out! its freakin hilarious! -link of website that gives viruses-" he'll just try and go along with the flow, unless he doesn't give a crap and just says ''f*** off''
ok but if I get an IM with a link from someone I don't know, I always hover over the link to make sure it's legit. You can tell if a link is a virus by seeing where it's actually linking to. And most people know that
You should call your local police department's cybercrime division internet hacking is no laughing matter

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