I think i've found the next big hit!! (yeah it's for the wii)

Are the graphics really going to be that good? That'd be amazing. The trailer looks cool, anyway.
I dont see why its so hard for people to tell the difference between concept art and a screenshot, Prerendered footage and ingame footage... There hasnt been anything ingame posted here ever...
I would love to try this game out. I'm a freakin' chicken, though. I don't want to buy it if it makes me pee my pants every time I play. :yikes: Hopefully one of my buddies gets it and I can borrow it.
Looks very gothic, I hope the controls work well.

I hope as you progress through the game, little specs of color start to appear like in that one movie. (Happyville?)
Divum said:
Looks very gothic, I hope the controls work well.

I hope as you progress through the game, little specs of color start to appear like in that one movie. (Happyville?)

Pleasantville, I think.

I'm a sucker for anything Victorian/Romantic, so yea, I'm super interested.
I don't believe Sadness is cancelled. Not sure about orb, I recall someone mentioning it might be cancelled but not sure.
I knew this thread would be resurrected, although theres no new news on this game. This game isn't cancelled because there is still info about it on the developers' homepage. Here is the soundtrack for the game.