I quit!

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Pft! >.>
Feb 12, 2011
Wii Online Code
Hey Goldeneye players! I quit from hacking, playing, and helping goldeneye players to level up.
People here hate hackers 'cause for some reason they are better than legit players :)
and, MW3 is going to be released soon, I'll be with that game then. For now, I'm on Call Of Duty.
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Yeah Ive got a second Wii in my bedroom which would be great to have some boost on. FTW!!! You really going to softmod your Wii? Ive been thinking about it now that Ive got two Wiis but I dont think you can get Netlix... Which is like 90% of our use...
My Wii is already soft modded, I just run a clean copy of golden eye off a USB.

I would just need to download the software that people use to run the codes.

Already gotta pay $60 for PS3 and Xbox games, not gonna dish $50 for a Wii game..
So Kira says he's done hacking, and then a bunch of members arrive to DISCUSS modding? ._.

Keep the forums clean of illegal warez, everyone.
Not really discussing modding/or how to mod.

I asked him to PM me some cool fun codes to use on my second account. I didn't ask him to post it out on a public board for all to see, that's what Private Messaging is for.

trollface asked if I was really going to soft mod my Wii, I said it was already soft modded, and if I had codes I would just need software to run them.

Never once said how to mod it or gave steps, people can do that on their own time and search.

Also I got your PM, I never specifically implied that I download and pirate wii games. I just said I'm not paying $50 for one, FWIW my real intentions with soft modding was to run classic nintendo games.


I wasn't aware that such discussion was really THAT frowned upon, apologies. :frown:
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PM me your emails, 'cause I dont wanna be banned.. :O
So Kira says he's done hacking, and then a bunch of members arrive to DISCUSS modding? ._.

Keep the forums clean of illegal warez, everyone.

Forgive me if I'm out of place but I kind feel responsible for this... Just a Q and Ill leave it at that, why is it Kira is allowed to have a week-long discussion titled "Goldeneye Xp Lobby or Hacks" (sorry Kira, read below) but we catch all this flack for this? I kind of got the impression from Kira's other thread that it was ok to discuss these things. Where are we wrong? I mean... Kind of confusing... No one is talking about anything I haven't seen before on this forum.

Anyway I apologize to everyone. Esp. rell for getting you in any trouble and to the community for any violations.

*Kira* Im not calling you out or anything lol I just needed to reference this as an example.
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Not really discussing modding/or how to mod.

I asked him to PM me some cool fun codes to use on my second account. I didn't ask him to post it out on a public board for all to see, that's what Private Messaging is for.

trollface asked if I was really going to soft mod my Wii, I said it was already soft modded, and if I had codes I would just need software to run them.

Never once said how to mod it or gave steps, people can do that on their own time and search.

Also I got your PM, I never specifically implied that I download and pirate wii games. I just said I'm not paying $50 for one, FWIW my real intentions with soft modding was to run classic nintendo games.


I wasn't aware that such discussion was really THAT frowned upon, apologies. :frown:

Hmmmm... Just wondering why is my user name a hyperlink to my profile? Kind of peculiar...
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*Kira* Im not calling you out or anything lol I just needed to reference this as an example.

It's ok. If you want me to give you such things just ask for it on my youtube account, but I don't wanna get banned..
@ trollface: I was giving a general warning before things went too far in regards to hack talk 'n the like. What mainly spurred the warning was Rell's mention of illegally obtained ISOs. If I intended more than a warning, all of you would certainly know.

Already gotta pay $60 for PS3 and Xbox games, not gonna dish $50 for a Wii game..

I personally try to keep homebrew talk to a minimum, or none at all so that interest in said modding isn't sparked; Wiichat doesn't need mod-related attention from Nintendo after all. Homebrew itself isn't illegal, but the many illegal things it leads to certainly are. And of course, Wiichat ain't gonna be host to any illegalities. Certainly not while I'm around, anywho. :p Hopefully this answers your question bro.

Oh, and in regards to that thread, I certainly am second guessing my decision to leave it open.

No one is talking about anything I haven't seen before on this forum.

I can't catch everything, unfortunately... >_>;

Regardless of all that, this thread never really served a definite purpose, but it's clearly strayed from whatever purpose that was.

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