I played the Wii!

Figroti said:
Not once, the controller moved exactly as I moved it. Every movement had a precise responce, Although there was one kid I was watching who had a problem with it. It appears (from my speculation) that if you move the wii-mote out of the sensor bar's range, (The wii-mote was pointed almost directly at the ground) it may act a bit funny if it's still moving around. This happened once and was only for a split second. This of course, could, or could NOT be the problem. I'm not entirely sure.

ok thanx for that...now i really want that wii...fast forward time>>>>>>>
Got it off ebay .. it was one of the ones that dont work from the nintedo press conferance. It is soo GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD It feels so ice and im not saying how much it cost.
lelando said:
Got it off ebay .. it was one of the ones that dont work from the nintedo press conferance. It is soo GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD It feels so ice and im not saying how much it cost.

so you have a wii controller that dont work?? is it actually worth the money even thoug i understand how fascinating it is to own something that no one else does...i was hoping u would say u own a wii console from ebay lol
My main worry after reading reports is the console not reading movements. In my newest copy of Ngamer they said they played Wii Boxing they swung the wiimote and nothing happened then swung the nunchuck and it worked perfect.

All the videos i've seen of Boxing shows the people boxing really really slow I wanna be throwing 5 punches a second :yesnod:
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Haha, well, you can't expect all games to work as well as the others. Remember that this is something extremely new.

As for my arm, My right arm is going to be a Nintendo theme sleeve, lol.

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