I Never Game

Napalmbrain said:
Calm down, I was just kidding. Well, there are some parts I wouldn't go to, but I wouldn't mind going to see New York or California, for example.

I have never kept the caps lock on for an entire sentence. :D
I have also never kept the caps lock on for an entire sentence, (btw, that previous post. I had shift held down not caps lock :lol:)
RPGMasterTurk91 said:
i have never laughed at jakobthelyre from wiichat in my life bwahahahaha (corny geek laugh with extra snorting) P0WN3D!!!

yeah you still have never told the truth.

man youre just lying left and right huh? maybe your name should be RPGMasterTurk91theliar

(semi-pwnd) kinda
Ive never been so excited about the wii as i am now, (this will probably change every second cause my excitement for wii just grows)

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