I Need Your Opinion (Animal Crossing City Folk)


WiiKii Bob
May 10, 2009
Wii Online Code
Ok, here is my problem...
Before I got AC:CF I had never played any AC game, so when i started the game i didn't know about the different ways of the town set up etc.. Let's say it this way, the way my town is set up looks pretty boring. Exept for the museum all the "business buildings" are rowed up, i dont have any neat nishes or cliffs and the river flowes pretty straight through it.
But I've been playing since May this year and I've cought all the bugs and fishes that you can catch in between may and now. Some like the Tarantula and Skorpion where kind of hard to catch and it took me forever. I have all the fossils.
So I feel like I don't want to lose everything i have collected for the Museum, but I'm so unsatisfied with how my town looks. I just don't know what to do...
If you were in my situation what would you do?

1. I could delete everything and reset my town until it looks the way i want it to, but than I will have to collect all the fossils bugs and fish again. I could probably just set my wii to may and catch everything and than set it t june do the same up until i cought up with the current date.


2. I could just keep it like it is, looking boring but still having my whole collection of bugs fish and fossils, and the few pictures i have.

What should I do?
Ok, here is my problem...
Before I got AC:CF I had never played any AC game, so when i started the game i didn't know about the different ways of the town set up etc.. Let's say it this way, the way my town is set up looks pretty boring. Exept for the museum all the "business buildings" are rowed up, i dont have any neat nishes or cliffs and the river flowes pretty straight through it.
But I've been playing since May this year and I've cought all the bugs and fishes that you can catch in between may and now. Some like the Tarantula and Skorpion where kind of hard to catch and it took me forever. I have all the fossils.
So I feel like I don't want to lose everything i have collected for the Museum, but I'm so unsatisfied with how my town looks. I just don't know what to do...
If you were in my situation what would you do?

1. I could delete everything and reset my town until it looks the way i want it to, but than I will have to collect all the fossils bugs and fish again. I could probably just set my wii to may and catch everything and than set it t june do the same up until i cought up with the current date.


2. I could just keep it like it is, looking boring but still having my whole collection of bugs fish and fossils, and the few pictures i have.

What should I do?

I'm was just like youbefore last march, I had a "perfect little town" in my eyes, I went to AZ for a trip 2 week vacation, had 32 friends ln my AC game, i forgot to tell 'em I was leaving for 2 weeks, when i cme back, no friends on AC replied to my letters, guess they were mad that i left w/o telling were i was, so later i said "screw 'em , i'm creating a new town" but...my new town is ultra boring, dont play the game thats how boring it is :(

If u dunt like yer town, delete it 'n make a new town. and my town a paied for every level on my house but not the basement mortgage yet still had to pay that off, got a whole fishies, all for what???

if i make a new town may i add ya?

Hey i was new to animal crossing : cf when i got it . I thought you can make your own houses, buildings etc... . A few months ago I lost my game , but still got the data . While i save to get another one im making an Animal Crossing road trip group , Try to join its fun . Read the details of my group when you go to Animal Crossing road trip in groups. Bye .(IF you want to join send to me.)
hy i was new at animal crossing cf too when i got it . i thought there was more like customizable characters or buildings . I have an animal crossing road trip read the details @ Ac road trip in groups and if your in send a message . bye
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Ok, here is my problem...
Before I got AC:CF I had never played any AC game, so when i started the game i didn't know about the different ways of the town set up etc.. Let's say it this way, the way my town is set up looks pretty boring. Exept for the museum all the "business buildings" are rowed up, i dont have any neat nishes or cliffs and the river flowes pretty straight through it.
But I've been playing since May this year and I've cought all the bugs and fishes that you can catch in between may and now. Some like the Tarantula and Skorpion where kind of hard to catch and it took me forever. I have all the fossils.
So I feel like I don't want to lose everything i have collected for the Museum, but I'm so unsatisfied with how my town looks. I just don't know what to do...
If you were in my situation what would you do?

1. I could delete everything and reset my town until it looks the way i want it to, but than I will have to collect all the fossils bugs and fish again. I could probably just set my wii to may and catch everything and than set it t june do the same up until i cought up with the current date.


2. I could just keep it like it is, looking boring but still having my whole collection of bugs fish and fossils, and the few pictures i have.

What should I do?

I'm was just like youbefore last march, I had a "perfect little town" in my eyes, I went to AZ for a trip 2 week vacation, had 32 friends ln my AC game, i forgot to tell 'em I was leaving for 2 weeks, when i cme back, no friends on AC replied to my letters, guess they were mad that i left w/o telling were i was, so later i said "screw 'em , i'm creating a new town" but...my new town is ultra boring, dont play the game thats how boring it is :(

If u dunt like yer town, delete it 'n make a new town. and my town a paied for every level on my house but not the basement mortgage yet still had to pay that off, got a whole fishies, all for what???

if i make a new town may i add ya?

I'd definitly like to add you, I will restart my town tomorrow, it might take a while until I got a layout that I like but I hope we can somehow stay in contact and add each other.
Do Not buy this game if you own the original animal crossing.

It is alomost exactly the same game except for a crappy world rotating veiw and a cheap little city to visit.
Do Not buy this game if you own the original animal crossing.

It is alomost exactly the same game except for a crappy world rotating veiw and a cheap little city to visit.

To each HIS or HER own Mitch!! and it has Wifi thats a plus right there.
To each HIS or HER own Mitch!! and it has Wifi thats a plus right there.

Hey thats just my opinion of the game, and im sure there are a lot of others who owned animal crossing then got animal crossing city folk and were very disappointed that all they did was buy the same game twice
If your not happy with your town but your too far into the game I would just make it look even better with flowers, paths and designs and save up bells for the fountain, also if you don't like your animal neighbors you can ignore them and say no to offers that way there more likely to move out sooner.
Also heres my AC info:
Name: Leah
Town: Walkwood
Fcode: 2664-5634-4102
IF you wanna edit your town try googling AC Toolkit. Youll need to have homebrew for this...

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