i need help badly!!!


WiiChat Member
Mar 20, 2008
ok every one umm your probly gonna think im a noob or sumthin wen i say this but i only have one game for wii which is sports i was gonna buy moh 2 today till i found out the disappointin new for aus... but here is where i need help wat does it mean to gift a game??? does that mean other people send me games they have aalready bought or somethin???.... any way i was wonderin how it all works and if so could any one send me another game??
Erm, can't send one's own VC games. Also, no one is going to gift you without soms form of compensation. V_V;
I believe you are referring to the Virtual Console games. You can buy a VC game (Super Mario Bros, Zelda, etc...whatever they have available in the Wii Shop) and send it to someone on your friend list. If you don't have anyone on your list, then it doesn't work. Only works for VC games, not Wii games.

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