Hey guys. Just bought my nintendo Wii today and Wow
I was just wonderin though, is it just me or are some of the things missing. I mean first of all the major thing that had me excited was being able to send text messages to Mobile phones from the console. When i go to create message the only 2 options i have are to send messages to other consoles or to enter an email adress :s ... Also, When i go to the channels Forecast/news it asks me for an update but the console says no new updates are available. Theres no Opera browser yet but it does say that it'll be coming soon (is it gonna be free like they said it would be?). Well those are some of the questions i had on my mind (mainly the text messaging one), hope you can answer them. Thanks alot.
By the way, I live in the U.K
By the way, I live in the U.K