I make some really good miis


Dark Paladin
Mar 17, 2007
Wii Online Code
i make really good miis, so far I have made many but here are some examples: Kratos from god of war 1 and 2
naruto from naruto
rock lee from naruto
gorden freeman from halflife series

if you want me to make you a mii, simply tell me what video game character, famous people, or post a picture of yourself and i will make a mii out of it.
then i will add you to my adress book on my wii (you have to too) and i will send you the mii
my mii plaza has 64 miis, im a self proclaimed mii artist, oh and lol at your sig, i love it
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sweet, wanna be on my wii adress book? i could send you some of my miis, i relize it says to pm you, but something "Kooky" (i use that word loosley)
is going on and it won't let me pm so post your wii code, and mine is on the left
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ok, ill try to get some pics
you cant pm until you have 40 posts, so thats why it wont let you pm me, ill see if i can get some pics of mine up too, if any one has any requests post them here and ill see what i can do
can you send me some bleachg or naruto mii? i made a rock lee too..

i added you already zach

i know, i let the feedback i get from www.MiiPlaza.com do the judging for me, most peoples favorite mii i have made is David Letterman --

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