I love Rainbows and Unicorns

Can I have a website about a train full of clowns and ones name is Jeff and he's a vegetarian but every now-and-then he steals bacon from the cafeteria. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I'd like the train to be blue please.
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  • #17
Alright, I think you didn't just come here to spam, so I'll offer this advice: Don't post the same thread eight times.


I spamed 7 times not 8

and should you not ban me then. You fail as a mod.
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Well he didn't say he was going to ban you...
Ha ha i love it when these sorts of people post threads, its pure entertainment.
So you come in here just to fall through on your promises?

**** you. I want my ****ing giraffe website.
Can I have a website about a train full of clowns and ones name is Jeff and he's a vegetarian but every now-and-then he steals bacon from the cafeteria. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I'd like the train to be blue please.

Billy and Mandy FTW

I spamed 7 times not 8

and should you not ban me then. You fail as a mod.
we are j/k. we do hope you stick around because a free website is very generous to however the lucky winner is.

and... i do like rainbows and unicorns :yesnod:
The most depressing thing is, is that this thread is the best thing that's happened on WiiChat in a long time.
Fuck it. I dub this thread the newest post random crap thread. LETS GET IT ON.

That, is an amazing broom. Cedar?