I just saw the best Wii email address WIIGOD

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  • #31
well vegrant u make inbreeding proud,if your mom and dad get a divorce are they still brother and sister, why u got to be so mean to me, its not like i go into the bath room stall and kick all the DIKs out of your mouth, remember dont like the thread read something else noone forced your little mind to come here, your hear cause ur lost and looking for something soo sorry no loosers if u want that go hand with the family u you have left that isnt in jail
mysticsolutions@shaw.ca said:
well vegrant u make inbreeding proud,if your mom and dad get a divorce are they still brother and sister, why u got to be so mean to me, its not like i go into the bath room stall and kick all the DIKs out of your mouth, remember dont like the thread read something else noone forced your little mind to come here, your hear cause ur lost and looking for something soo sorry no loosers if u want that go hand with the family u you have left that isnt in jail

Here read this.

Run on sentence - Definitions from Dictionary.com
:crazy: Ohhh, man, I SOOOOOO want your wiigod email account. :yikes: Man, if ONLY I had a spare $500 I would buy it right now. Unfortunately, I'd rather spend my $500 to buy a PS3 tardbox---which I don't intend to buy ANYWAY--over your obvious deal on selling a free hotmail account name. However, because I SOOOOO want to be known as wiigod@somewhere that I'll go ahead and open my own wiigod @ gmail, or @ msn, or @ yahoo or @ any F'in place but hotmail. :ciappa: But, you know what, wiigod sounds like the name a 14 yrs old wannabe would register....I think I'll beg to differ. Hope you enjoyed paying ebay $5.00 listing fee for no takers.
mysticsolutions@shaw.ca said:
well vegrant u make inbreeding proud,if your mom and dad get a divorce are they still brother and sister, why u got to be so mean to me, its not like i go into the bath room stall and kick all the DIKs out of your mouth, remember dont like the thread read something else noone forced your little mind to come here, your hear cause ur lost and looking for something soo sorry no loosers if u want that go hand with the family u you have left that isnt in jail

i'm still lol'ing... like out loud... really. wow.
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  • #37
ok first of all i have the yahoo and the gmail but the most sout after host is hotmail, look i have no dout that you guys can make an email address but like alot of the good ones there taken already, and soo sorry you cant understand ebay but the buy it now price is 500, if your the olny bidder you can get it for 25 bucks, Im not selling a free email account im selling the access to a already reserved email account.
i don't get people. What good is a friken email address??? it's good for NOTHING. Go register a domain name if you want to sell anything.
e-mails are worthless.

you cant buy wiigod.com it's regged to someone.
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  • #40
btw wiigod at yahoo and gmail are gone to someone else, ive seen emails addys go for alot more the $500 , usaly an auction happends in the last few minutes as everyone wants to get it for the lowest price, dont worry about my 5 bucks cbus (whats that stand for) i made $785 selling ps3god on ebay, becasue there isnt the hype on wii like ps3 i dont expect for wiigod@hotmail.com to fetch so much. And just remember if you have a problem with someone selling you something that was free to start who sets the price for food and watter.
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  • #44
see the problem here is supply and demand that was a good idea for wiigod.com however someone smarter then you got it quicker if you want it its for sale too but i think its going for 1500 us
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