I hate Nintendo. and Game

Lamar/TBD said:
I don't even know what a fanboy attack is! and game could have warned me that they stopped their policy of letting people exchange or returning games a few months ago. And i'm still pissed at retro studios developing a crappy game.

What is crappy to one user is a masterpeice to another. You should have decided that before you bought it.
RivalDestiny said:
You hate the game and start ranting on here...way to go idoit >.>...

It's your fault that you bought the game in the first place, you shouldn't be blaming crap on nintendo or any other company.

All nintendo games seem to be tuned down for the so called "casual" gamers. It's fun, but I'd like to see some challenges.
yeah i know, i said this because people on the first page were complaining it was too hard.
JAKE196 said:
yeah i know, i said this because people on the first page were complaining it was too hard.

Yep, just expanding on your idea :yesnod:.

MP3 is a rent.

1.Beat Game
2.Replay on Harder Mode

and that's about it, unless you want to play through it again, which most players won't.
RivalDestiny said:
You hate the game and start ranting on here...way to go idoit >.>...

It's your fault that you bought the game in the first place, you shouldn't be blaming crap on nintendo or any other company.

All nintendo games seem to be tuned down for the so called "casual" gamers. It's fun, but I'd like to see some challenges.

I believe that Nintendo is making games for both seasoned players and less experienced ones. I also believe that games seem easier to many players because they have gained skill and experience over a long time, not because Nintendo is dumbing games down for so called "casual" players. I mean, have you noticed the more you do something, the more experience you gain, the easier it becomes?
Sylux said:
I thought MP3 was to easy. I liked the ice guy, why did he have to die :sick:

You shoulda put a SPOILER warning here first!!! :yikes:
Lamar/TBD said:
On sunday, i bought metroid prime 3 for £35. and yesterday i called up Game and asked for my money back. They said they'd give me £18....Nintendo let me buy a shitty game, and Game won't let me have my money back......NYEAAAAHHHH!! I F*CKING HATE THEM!!!!! AAAAHHHHHGGHH!!! im gonne go have a ***** fit. bye.
(no im not on my period)

So Nintendo made you buy the game?

And a retailer is suppose to give a face value equal to an unopened, brand new game for a clearly used game just because you didn't like it? The game works fine, but is too difficult for your reptilian brain, so someone owes you your money back?

And I thought we Americans had all but cornered the market on blaming others for our own bad decisions. Guess not. Seems that Brits can be just as irresponsible and illogical as anyone.

So if you were to buy a brand new car from your local car dealer, you'd expect a full refund on that perfectly fine running car just because you didn't like it? Grow up.

Niether Nintendo nor Game are to blame for your lack of judgement and/or taste. Take some responsibility for yourself and your decisions.

Next time find a friend who has the game and play it first before buying it, or rent the game first before buying it, or buy a used game first. I'm honestly embarrassed for you and your clear lack of responsibility. Hopefully you're not an adult. If you're not, there's hope for you young lady . . . learn from this experience. If you are an adult, then life is going to be one disappointment after another for you I'm afraid.
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I don't know about you, but that sounds decent to me somewhat. Of course, I don't know how currency is like over there, but you got half of what you payed for... Usually people are asses and they give like 1/10 of the amount you payed for trading it back in and such. Ionno it may just be me.

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