I Got My Wii!!


Teh Wii hax0r!
Nov 20, 2006
Wii Online Code
And I have some questions. I put my sensor bar abpve my tv and it is sitting on a cable box. Does that intefere with the motion sensitive of the Wii? And how do I download the updates and stuff?

I'm not enitrely sure about the cable box question... Though I'm almost sure that it won't affect it.

And to get updates, you need to confirm your internet connection, and I believe it will automatically update.

I have no Wii (-sniggersnort-), though, so don't take my word to the bone. But I'm almost sure that's the way to do it.
Trulen said:

I'm not enitrely sure about the cable box question... Though I'm almost sure that it won't affect it.

And to get updates, you need to confirm your internet connection, and I believe it will automatically update.

I have no Wii (-sniggersnort-), though, so don't take my word to the bone. But I'm almost sure that's the way to do it.

You are correct. And no the cable box won't do anything. Grats on getting a wii btw zingy.
Congrats Zingy! Did you buy any games with it?
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Kyusaku said:
Congrats Zingy! Did you buy any games with it?
No, Wii sports is mad fun though. I'll make a thread later about my story today, it was pretty fun. Anyways, here is my wii number:

3964 8307 8964 3931

Btw, how do I send messages to myself? Like through an email thingy.
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Kyusaku said:
I believe it's w(your wii's number)@wii.com like for you it'd be w3964830789643931@wii.com

Haven't done it myself but that's what it seems to be.
I've done that and the Blue light comes on. But when I turn on the console the Blue Light Disapears :(
Hey, congrats on getting one. Yeah, the light doesn't stay on when you turn on the console, only when you get a new message.
ZinGy said:
And I have some questions. I put my sensor bar abpve my tv and it is sitting on a cable box. Does that intefere with the motion sensitive of the Wii?
It won't mess up anything as long as the cable box is at the edge of the front of the TV and the sensor bar is at the edge of the cable box. Also, make sure to go into the Wii Settings and set the sensor bar setting to "Above TV."
ZinGy said:
And how do I download the updates and stuff?
To download the updates, you'll need to get Wii online. If you have a wireless router and internet access, then go to my guide:

Official Wii Wireless Internet Connection Guide

If you don't have a wireless router, you'll need to buy a USB-ethernet LAN adapter, which has a USB part that you plug into the Wii and the other end is an ethernet port, which you will then plug a ethernet cord into, the other end going into the router.

Once online, go to the guide I linked to above to see where to go to update. You should get 2-3 updates which take a bit of time.

Hope that helped.:D
This may of been said but can i set it so its a manual update ??? or will the update process happen at 3am in the morning or summik ?? as a online gamer this may play abit on my ping if its n auto.

AL-GoRE said:
This may of been said but can i set it so its a manual update ??? or will the update process happen at 3am in the morning or summik ?? as a online gamer this may play abit on my ping if its n auto.


If you disable WiiConnect24, you should be ok I think.

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