I got my Wii back!


Butterfly Kisses
Jan 27, 2007
Exeter PA
Wii Online Code
Hey Peoplez,
I finally got my Wii back yesterday morning. I sent my Wii back to Nintendo because my saved files got corrupted, like two weeks ago. I am so happy to have it back!! The bad thing tho is that none of my saved game data could be saved!!! All those 70 hours of Zelda are gone! I have to start all over again. They said due to the malfunction, they couldn't save it. I also lost my Miis and my wii friend codes. I had to redownload all the games from VC, plus all the channels. I still can't believe all my data is gone. I guess I should be happy that I at least got a new system, with a whole new warranty. Oh well I will start all over again, on everything. Life goes on.:crazy:
Glad to see you have your wii back, have fun!
the same happened to me ... i had to start everything again ... but it was much easier and I did everything in half the time because i knew where I was going
That rocks and sucks at the same time. Congrats on getting your precious Wii back, too bad its memory is all gone. I know how it feels to lose all the hard-earned game data. So sad...
Welcome back and congrats on getting the Wii back. Sorry about the data loss but atleast you can start fresh I suppose.
somehow you should try to get them to put all the points that you spent on vc games back in your account. otherwise it's good that you got your wii back!
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I have all the points back and all I had to do was go on VC and look at "Games you've downloaded" and my games were in there, all I had to do was redownload them. That I was happy about, it was really easy. Its just the game saved data that I lost. I started Zelda again and I am still enjoying it. I figured I would try and beat my other time. Have to have a positive look at the situation. lol :)
....so the moral of this story:

Back up all of your miis and save games on a regular basis.

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