I got a 360! Move over Wii!

Battalion Wars 2- Looks fun, but I'm not getting it
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.- eh, doesn't really intrest me
RE4 and RE: UC- not really into RE games
Metroid Prime 3- looks really fun, might get it
Super Smash Bros. Brawl- getting this game for sure
Super Mario Galaxy- OMG this game looks AMAZING! 100% of getting this

How can you compare GTA 4 to Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 or Galaxy!

360 is overrated and Wii will rule all
i was really just trying to put together a quick and comprehensive list of games coming out for the wii that aren't the typical pick up and play party games that have flooded the market.

i understand where this guy is coming from (atleast until his last post, where he unobjectively bashed some killer wii apps on the way for silly reasons). but the fact remains, there are very few in depth, "serious" games out for the wii right now.

I wanted to list the exceptions to that, as there are some good solid titles on the way, that even the most hardcore of sony/microsoft fanboys have to appreciate.
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Nfanboy said:
Battalion Wars 2- Looks fun, but I'm not getting it
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.- eh, doesn't really intrest me
RE4 and RE: UC- not really into RE games
Metroid Prime 3- looks really fun, might get it
Super Smash Bros. Brawl- getting this game for sure
Super Mario Galaxy- OMG this game looks AMAZING! 100% of getting this

How can you compare GTA 4 to Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 or Galaxy!

360 is overrated and Wii will rule all

Coming from someone who has had a Wii and now has a 360 and is no way attached to either company (Ok well I lean a bit towards Ninty) I would have to say that in current standing the 360 is owning all.

Nintendo need to get their act together with the stupid f***ing friend codes and the deal with no third party online games til 08 is just retarded.

And there is no comparison between GTA 4 and Brawl, Prime and Galaxy, GTA 4 just kicks every things ass, it is the ultimate game, anyone who says otherwise is bloody blind and needs to be shot, the graphics are immense, I know graphics are not everything, trust me, but GTA has always had great gameplay so I am sure, no I am certain that this will own.
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Nfanboy said:
Battalion Wars 2- Looks fun, but I'm not getting it
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.- eh, doesn't really intrest me
RE4 and RE: UC- not really into RE games
Metroid Prime 3- looks really fun, might get it
Super Smash Bros. Brawl- getting this game for sure
Super Mario Galaxy- OMG this game looks AMAZING! 100% of getting this

How can you compare GTA 4 to Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 or Galaxy!

360 is overrated and Wii will rule all
there should be an age limit to this forum, 10 and over?
theres only 1 new ip there in that list, which is sad, banking on the same old games is boring, and you kind of people say "graphics and the same controller" are boring....
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lackluster dj said:
will you be picking up halo3 or gta4?
not the point (but nice try)
there are plenty of new fresh IPs rolling out
like too human, vampire rain, mass effect, and gears of war
and mind you halo started in 2001 and gta started on ps o.o
Silent-Sniper said:
So yeah I traded my Wii with 7 games for a 360 Premium, 7 games, vision cam and a DS with 2 games.

I got XBL Last night and it is awesome.

If anyone wants to add me just PM me.

Wow.. thats a good deal.. price wise.
Sovieto said:
not the point (but nice try)
there are plenty of new fresh IPs rolling out
like too human, vampire rain, mass effect, and gears of war
and mind you halo started in 2001 and gta started on ps o.o

well there's 4.

actually, when you say "banking on the same old games is boring" it's exactly the point. when the earlier games in the series were released is irrelevant and so is what platform they were released on. point is, the company developing these games is "banking on the same old game".

GTA 4 and Halo 3 will be huge successes for the 360. Prolly some of the top selling games of the system.

Point is EVERY console is getting upgraded versions of its predecessors and EVERY console with have new IPs. The 360 is there first because it's been out longer.

wii will have plenty of fresh IPs rolling out too. at the rate it's selling, developers are too smart not to jump on board. it fits their business model perfectly.
lackluster dj said:
well there's 4.

actually, when you say "banking on the same old games is boring" it's exactly the point. when the earlier games in the series were released is irrelevant and so is what platform they were released on. point is, the company developing these games is "banking on the same old game".

GTA 4 and Halo 3 will be huge successes for the 360. Prolly some of the top selling games of the system.

Point is EVERY console is getting upgraded versions of its predecessors and EVERY console with have new IPs. The 360 is there first because it's been out longer.

wii will have plenty of fresh IPs rolling out too. at the rate it's selling, developers are too smart not to jump on board. it fits their business model perfectly.
but for the past years and years and years
what have we seen from nintendo?
metriod, mario, and donkey kong
Sovieto said:
but for the past years and years and years
what have we seen from nintendo?
metriod, mario, and donkey kong

you could say that. then you could look at the difference between super mario bros 1 and super mario galaxy. they are two vastly different games.

contrast that with the difference between halo 1 and halo 3.... even though the timeframe is much smaller in scope, the differences are really quite subtle, and at the rate they're moving, it might be some time until we get something that differs in the gameplay department.

nintendo is an older video game company betting on what they know will sell based on past experience. microsoft and sony should be so fortunate as to have franchises as successful as any of the aforementioned (and they have to want something like that, it's a guaranteed cash cow for them!)

and also, while metroid, mario, zelda.... have all been strongholds for nintendo. nintendo has managed to branch out with some big time gaming experiences with past titles like goldeneye, perfect dark, RE4, the original dragon quests...

so yeah, you can bet on a mario, dk, zelda, metroid to hit shelves after any nintendo console release, but as long as they're selling systems, they're gonna have other games. gamecube didn't sell too well, and thus nintendo relied on mario/zelda.... and it was classed a failure..
lackluster dj said:
you could say that. then you could look at the difference between super mario bros 1 and super mario galaxy. they are two vastly different games.

contrast that with the difference between halo 1 and halo 3.... even though the timeframe is much smaller in scope, the differences are really quite subtle, and at the rate they're moving, it might be some time until we get something that differs in the gameplay department.

nintendo is an older video game company betting on what they know will sell based on past experience. microsoft and sony should be so fortunate as to have franchises as successful as any of the aforementioned (and they have to want something like that, it's a guaranteed cash cow for them!)

and also, while metroid, mario, zelda.... have all been strongholds for nintendo. nintendo has managed to branch out with some big time gaming experiences with past titles like goldeneye, perfect dark, RE4, the original dragon quests...

so yeah, you can bet on a mario, dk, zelda, metroid to hit shelves after any nintendo console release, but as long as they're selling systems, they're gonna have other games. gamecube didn't sell too well, and thus nintendo relied on mario/zelda.... and it was classed a failure..
mario 1 - mario galaxy
over 25 years
technology has come a long way since then
so mario evolved along with it
okay, well look at the difference between mario sunshine and mario galaxy. now look at the differene between halo 1 and halo 3. dunno if you've tested the beta yet, but i get the feeling of 'been there before' just a little bit more than i do with the mario-galaxy sunshine comparison.

so are you really saying that microsoft isn't doing the same thing with their succesful franchises?

i mean come on. they're all doing it. don't be so blindsided. it's not a bad thing as long as new stuff comes out too. and it always does. for all consoles.

yeah, nintendo's the only one capitalizing off a few successful and key ideas.....:lol:

i'm sure halo 3 will be the last one. yeah, that series has run its course. prolly won't see a gears sequel either. good call. :lol:

should be all original xbox titles from here on out. :wink:

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