i got 3 new games

my cousin has almost all the wii games he had all of them like 4 months ago i was like how much money do you have???:eek:
Maximo said:
ha i probally got alot of you beat

Wii games-16
Gamecube games-57
Virtual Console games-43
(wow didn't realize i had so much on the VC)

,and i'm not some spoiled kid either i'm 23 ,and work 2 jobs for my money

i dont have many VC games. i downloaded about 5 of them and the rest i do emmulators on my xbox (or plan on doing after the NEW cable comes in :sick: like an idiot i got the wrong Xbox to UBS cable, i was sent the wrong thing!) after modifications.

game cube games i just started buying recently like donkey konga 1,2 and jungle beat along with the kongas. funny thing is i never intended to buy GC games. it happend to be that RE4 didnt come out yet and i had a gift card for 33$ i actually bought the 2nd konga, one set of kongas, and jungle beat which came with kongas along with a $5 deposit for RE4 to pick up the day after. all in all i think that was a good find? lol :)

and regular wii games i got 14....i later realized after tallying my stuff, my bfs brother has another 4 of ours. so technically i got 18....sh*t! lol

talk about never being bored huh?
I'm still busy playing all my gamecube games.. LoL I did get 3 games the same day I got my Wii though. I figured, why not? You only live once and you can't take Wii with you... :aureola:
Well now make my 16 into 17 i just bought Mario Strikers Charged (one of the best games i've played). I got plenty of Cube games i gotta go through which not to long ago i bought 2 more Crazy Taxi ,and Rayman 3. DK Jungle Beat is a great game i hope it sees a sequel on wii. I know it won't have the bongo's but at least a side scroller with the pretty graphics.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
im the QUEEN of spam. :yesnod:

ive gotten better on it though and learned to control it more than i did in the past :sick: but technically there is relevence to this, you got 3 new games, i was comparing saying i had 14 games in total along with 2 im picking up next week. then the 6ix said how old i was that i could afford all this and then i wrote my age

so HA no spam really for me today! ive done worse though than that:yikes:

22 and playing video games. Lmao I hope I'm still in tune with the technology when I get to that age. Oh yeah and did you call me "The 6ix?"
ive got 15 wii games and 22 gamecube... plus about 10-15 ds games, i forget now.
i would've bought games like sonic, red steel and a few others but my cousin has like 12 games so i borrow them off him sometimes :D

Oh and i'm 22 (woah, i just typed 23, i had to think about it for a few seconds, LOL!) and I work hard for my money :) plus i owe a lot on my credit card because of my wii :( lol
i have 30 GC games, 20 N64 games, 6 wii games, 2 SNES games, 6 xbox games

TOTAL: 64 games :)
the only wii game i bought was RE4

and i'm on hold for a long list of franchises:
RE:UC-pre-ordered it
SSBB-dur ^_^
SMG-maybe =/
Fire Emblem-My friend still got his GC and he kept my FE:poR game, maybe i'll just buy this one to rub it in his face x)

I've kept several of my GC games, such as Mario Kart: DD, and maybe i'll just buy MarioKartWii
And lastly, Pikmin 3-if ever they come out
6ix said:
22 and playing video games. Lmao I hope I'm still in tune with the technology when I get to that age. Oh yeah and did you call me "The 6ix?"

lol oh you will be. most the the average gamers are my age. besides im not THAT old am i?? :sick: well i do have 8 years until im 30.....ugh!

my boyfriend is 34 and he still plays video games as well. hell even my dad whos in this 50s (52 to be exact) was an avid zelda fan (last game he played was ocarina of time.....he bought the mask of wtvr the name was but hated it)

so yeah dont be so suprised :)

and as for "the 6ix" i started to write something else and then didnt delete the "the" so that was a typo sorry
^^^^No no I like it when people refer to me as the 6ix. I feel like a pimp.
well now all the reviews ign gives dont seem good, because the real gamers like you and i say red steel is good, where as ign says its passable.

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