I finally got a Wii!!!!!!!!!

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WiiChat Member
Sep 29, 2007
Wii Online Code
YES!!! I finally got a Wii last night!!! I would of posted earlier but I was playing lol. So far today's total playtime was 5 hours 37 minutes when my dad kicked me off lol. I have a question...does the Wii play DVDs? because the Wii discs are about the same size...

OMG!!! it is so much fun!!! I was playing tennis on Wii Sports and I'm dripping with sweat now lol. u get a good work out!
It doesent but I heard awhile ago that a extra add-on will let it but im not sure.But i am sure you cant play dvds out of the box.
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JerryC said:
heard theres gonna be an update later which allows DVD playback

AWESOME!!! I was just doing some update I think for internet last night and it took like a half hour
JerryC said:
heard theres gonna be an update later which allows DVD playback

This is wrong. Nintendo said that next year, Wii's compatible with DVD's will start to be shipped as they were a bit behind development for the original release. They will be the same price as our Wii's.

They also said that they had given the possibility of an update some thought, but that the current Wii's would take more than a software update to play DVD's. They would need extra hardware as well.
They also said that they had given the possibility of an update some thought, but that the current Wii's would take more than a software update to play DVD's. They would need extra hardware as well.

o well close enough lol.. i still buy the extra hardware if it means watching movies on the wii
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