I dont like how this sounds...

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Clarke said:
The Gameboy Micro was released almost a year after the DS.

Plus the DS is supposed to go hand in hand with the Wii.
I hardly count the Gameboy Micro to be anything special. Who actually bought one of those?
Clarke said:
The Gameboy Micro was released almost a year after the DS.

Plus the DS is supposed to go hand in hand with the Wii.

The Micro was not a console replacement. Sales of Gameboy Advance Sp continued even after the Micro came out, it was just a cheap piece of hardware they knew they could make some extra cash off of.

Even if the DS is supposed to go hand in hand with the Wii, it hasn't really done that too well so far. A replacement console would obviously do this better.
The DS replaces the Gameboy is what I'm saying. SP's and Micro's were still selling even after the DS's launch.
i at least hope if they make another portable console they keep it backwards compatable like the DS, but only the new one should be able to play GB, GBC, GBA,DS, and w/e the new ones are
I can understand playing one generation back but do you really need support for Gameboy games? Do you really put in like 10 hours a week on them? If you're that into gameboy games why don't you still have your gameboy? Besides you can get a used one really cheap. I just bought a Gameboy for $23 on eBay. Besides the current market didn't grow up with gameboy and couldn't care less.
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Clarke said:
I can understand playing one generation back but do you really need support for Gameboy games? Do you really put in like 10 hours a week on them? If you're that into gameboy games why don't you still have your gameboy? Besides you can get a used one really cheap. I just bought a Gameboy for $23 on eBay. Besides the current market didn't grow up with gameboy and couldn't care less.

For a Gameboy, I think you could find a cheaper price. Actually, I know you can nowadays.
JAKE196 said:
I really want a new portable system, the DS is outdated. . .
(though i love it to death)

I hope they don't expect the wii to last more than 5-6 years. :wtf:
Ha they are just going to do what they did with there gameboy advance with the DS. ie DS- DSlite- DS advance(with new stylus) lol to DS advanced sp yea (new shape) lol they keep rehashing there systems and you guys keep buying them like its a new thing.lol
this doesnt bother me. it basically says when everythings been done on wii and ds theyll make a new system. it makes sense. as long as games still rock i dont care how long wii is around for.
yungblood6 said:
Ha they are just going to do what they did with there gameboy advance with the DS. ie DS- DSlite- DS advance(with new stylus) lol to DS advanced sp yea (new shape) lol they keep rehashing there systems and you guys keep buying them like its a new thing.lol

Yes but technology keeps progressing. If you think about it, giving retail items a "face lift" is far more prevalant outside of the gaming world. Nintendo does what is cost effective: an altogather new system every 3-5 years, and in the meantime keep profits coming via minor facelifts. If they do away with their "rehashing" of systems, then there is less for them to invest in the next console--obviously bad for the future of the company and for us.

Call the public stupid, but the ones that are so stupid simply have the disposable income to waste on pointless revisions. I still have my fat DS, and I have been tempted a few times to upgrade, but I know based on the amount of money I make it's not worth it. And I could be mad, but when I bought my DS the first day of its release, I knew well enough from experience that there would eventually be a more attractive version.
the only new thing they could do is make 1080p games like ps3. and maybe increase some accuracy on the sensor bar.
about the friend codes. they seem pretty good to me. sort of like an organized online friend list. the problem is of course its impossible to make New online friends. i dont have xbox live but i do have kaillera on my PC and they actually have a main chat room with everyones name and a little room each for the people in a game. very easy to find a new play buddy.
@FloYdian I agree with you what with the friend codes?

I find it very good. It's a good way of organizing things...It wouldn't be fun having random people in your list because you don't have friend codes and people add you randomly that is not good in my point of view. It just depends.
And I am sure nintendo won't be releasing a new console no more than 4 or 5 years from now. Cause it don't make sense releasing a new console because you found just one new upgrade you could add like 1080p games or fixing the sensor bar....It sounds much better to make a compilation of the new things found in your research and then use that for a new console so they can have a big BOOM! when they release the new console.
Thats what I said in another recent topic!

The 5 year cycle wont apply in the way it did because all of the consoles are trying to build up an online community fan base and a lot of other stuff that goes online as well.

These consoles are so different than the previous incarnations that I dont think we will see a new one from any of the 3 consoles in 5 years.

If we do however I dont think Nintendo can stay behind. And I dont think they will so they will build another new-next-gen console.
iOwnage said:
I hardly count the Gameboy Micro to be anything special. Who actually bought one of those?
bought one for finals one year (and drivers ed, so boring) then traded it in. i only lost five dollars in the whole transaction.