I can't believe it...I just cannot believe it!

those were awsome vids, tell us when the package comes...
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  • #34
Remegy said:

Hey, you bet, Reme! I will post the video here as soon as it arrives and its all recorded. I wanna share this with you. It will be a special video saying thank you to EA and to you guys! ^__^*
Do you have the MySims strategy guide? You'll probably get one of those. I went looking for one at the store today and couldn't find one. My print out of what all the essences do is to difficult to browse :p
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  • #36
sirgrim said:
Do you have the MySims strategy guide? You'll probably get one of those. I went looking for one at the store today and couldn't find one. My print out of what all the essences do is to difficult to browse :p

I have kinda got to the point where I sorta know what all of them represent. Though, I get confused with some of the scary and smarty pants essences. I think I have them down, though. I would love to have the strategy guide. Just to have, you know? heheh!
Okay Essence, I can imagine how excited you are!!! That is so awesome.

But, let me tell you. I don't really think you should settle for just some free prizes. Don't get me wrong. That is great that they are giving you that stuff!!! But you have to realize something here; You just gave them some free advertising. And great advertising at that. I am not saying you should ask them for something in return for the advertisment you gave them. But, the fact of the matter is, they had a team of people who researched this. They picked your video as one that they liked. Not only that, but they decided to contact you. THAT MEANS SOMETHING. You said you are a graphic designer. You caught these peoples eyes. I am no graphic designer, but I would say that catching peoples eyse is the name of the game. YOU ARE VERY GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO. So, now you are sitting there, as one of very few people who not only has a personal contact for an EA employee, but you have a "working relationship" with this person. I suggest that you at least respond to her showing interest in thier company. Ask if ther are any job openings, any internships, or just any other way you can get involved. Imagine this. The next Sims game that comes out has a cover that YOU designed. It may sound crazy, but I really don't think it is that far out of the question.

So, anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And whatever you decide to do......YOU ROCK.
Yo, Essence, nice goin'! I tried somethin' like that a while ago with Soul Calibur. I didn't have a camera handy, so I tried making a character for the game, gave it tie-ins and everything. Actually, Namco was pissed...:sad:

But screw them, CONGRATS!:thumbsup:
Essence said:
I have kinda got to the point where I sorta know what all of them represent. Though, I get confused with some of the scary and smarty pants essences. I think I have them down, though. I would love to have the strategy guide. Just to have, you know? heheh!

There's way to much for me to remember. I just made it to the third star the other day, and I hear by the 5th it's even larger.

I did manage to find a copy of the guide at Border's, and it looks like it should help. Hope you get a copy!
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  • #42
TacosTacos said:
Okay Essence, I can imagine how excited you are!!! That is so awesome.

But, let me tell you. I don't really think you should settle for just some free prizes. Don't get me wrong. That is great that they are giving you that stuff!!! But you have to realize something here; You just gave them some free advertising. And great advertising at that. I am not saying you should ask them for something in return for the advertisment you gave them. But, the fact of the matter is, they had a team of people who researched this. They picked your video as one that they liked. Not only that, but they decided to contact you. THAT MEANS SOMETHING. You said you are a graphic designer. You caught these peoples eyes. I am no graphic designer, but I would say that catching peoples eyse is the name of the game. YOU ARE VERY GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO. So, now you are sitting there, as one of very few people who not only has a personal contact for an EA employee, but you have a "working relationship" with this person. I suggest that you at least respond to her showing interest in thier company. Ask if ther are any job openings, any internships, or just any other way you can get involved. Imagine this. The next Sims game that comes out has a cover that YOU designed. It may sound crazy, but I really don't think it is that far out of the question.

So, anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And whatever you decide to do......YOU ROCK.

You are dead on. While I was on the phone talking to the lady, I mentioned that I am a recent Graphis Design Graduate and that it would be really cool if I did work at EA. She said that thats how she got to be there. She went for an internship and suggested that I go and check things out! She also told me that if I have anything that I would like to say to the team that I should forward my words to her and she will give it to the producer! So, I am actually in the midst of typing up a very professional yet enthusiastic (Which is why they contacted me.) letter and send it to them! ^__^*
You have a great personality :wink:

I've seen you around here and some other [classified] forum quite a bit. Although, haven't got the chance to chat. Hopefully that changes in the future.
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  • #45
LevesqueIsKing said:
You have a great personality :wink:

I've seen you around here and some other [classified] forum quite a bit. Although, haven't got the chance to chat. Hopefully that changes in the future.

Hey, LevesqueIsKing? All you have to do is say the "word" and we can chat chat chat! lol! Ready when you are! I love making new friends. Its a great experience. ^__^*

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