I bit the bullet and bought a PS3...

ps3 is a bargain, but i dont think buying it right now is worth it, im waiting till the truly awesome games come out like gta4 and warhawk
yea its a bargan thats why im gonna buy a warrenty for it with it

then when the price drops ill just go and say that it freezes get my money back and buy it again for the new price (unless the new price is more expensive which is just absurd)
the ps3 is being lowered to 500$ at some retailer stores due to a pricedrop. Sony denies it but several retailers are confirming it and starting to sell it for 500$. I guess sony didnt want anyone to find out till e3.
Shiftfallout said:
a multiplatform title does not = 360 port champ. It means that it was made for all systems.

The PS3 has a good selection of good games considering the number they have out. Including the fact that it upscales ps1 and ps2 games gives it a pretty big assortment of titles to play, considering ps2 games are still being released.
No the PS3 has a good selection of games, it could be better, so could the wii's.
incorrect, when multiplatform games are made, and are going to be identical for the 2 or more systems, they make it on 1 system then put it on the others. almost all devs have been making games on the 360 first then porting it to the ps3, because the 360 is easier to design on. there are a select few devs though that are experimenting with creating games on the ps3 first then porting them over to the 360 though
paintba||er said:

What are you talking about? Worst list? That is just the stuff you would have to buy for the 360 to make it equal to the PS3 since the PS3 has all that stuff. The PS3 is a much greater value. And I'm not sure what you are saying about Live. "thats not even for 5 years yet" That makes no sense.

ok then let me reword what i said. that is the absoltue worst argument to have. who cares what the ps3 has that the 360 doesnt. no one is going to go out and buy all those things to make their 360 more like the ps3 and yes it did make sense, read it again tard.
JCpackers05 said:
ok then let me reword what i said. that is the absoltue worst argument to have. who cares what the ps3 has that the 360 doesnt. no one is going to go out and buy all those things to make their 360 more like the ps3 and yes it did make sense, read it again tard.
How is that a bad argument? It just shows that the PS3 is a much greater value and is cheaper in the end so all the people saying the PS3 is too expensive can STFU. Even if you buy the Premium 360 and pay for live without buying any of the other things that the PS3 already has it will still be $50 more than the PS3. What isn't even for 5 years yet?

$50/yr X 5 =$250

It will probably be more than five years until the next generation of consoles come out anyway so it would probably be more.

You my friend are the tard...
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I like what you guys did with my thread. :wtf:

Anyways, I did buy the PS3 because after I thought about it I did realize what others have mentioned in this thread is true. If I were to buy a 360 and get all the accessories that I want and pay for on-line it would be more expensive, and I just don't want to pay more for something that I see as inferior to the PS3. It just doesn't make sense.

The BlueRay is going to be THE next gen video format. It's supported way more than HDDVD. I'm an audio buff too, so I was looking forward to using it as a SACD player as well. Lastly, all the truly next level games are only going to be on the PS3 or the better versions will be on the PS3. Bottom-line...you just get way more and way better for the price. Oh yeah, plus it is a truly backwards compatible system so I can get rid of my PS2 and not have to worry about it.
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Sovieto said:
incorrect, when multiplatform games are made, and are going to be identical for the 2 or more systems, they make it on 1 system then put it on the others. almost all devs have been making games on the 360 first then porting it to the ps3, because the 360 is easier to design on. there are a select few devs though that are experimenting with creating games on the ps3 first then porting them over to the 360 though

not really. Some developers might make a game for one console, and later decide (legally or not as well) if they want to have it on another system. When multiplatform games are being made with the intention of having a dual platform launch, the developers work with both Dev Kits to make the games compatible on each. Take the DARKNESS for example, it was a multiplatform title, but no porting at all was involved.

Porting only happens when you have a game that comes out way before another system. Often you will find in contracts that one console company says that a developer cannot release their game on another console untill a year has gone by..ect In this case a developer would develope the game soley for the console that they lauched with, while using the extra time to make another system compatible. Other contracts involve having multiplatform titles not having more or less than another consoles game, which we see slowly dissapearing with the difference in power and space between the 360 and the PS3.
I sold my PS3 for $700 to some idiot, but im in no hurry to buy another...=ι
SHUT WITH WHOS POOR OR NOT.......I had to pay for my wii and i didnt have a job or nothing. Now you guys are older than me can get jobs and money more easily now whos complaining.
I know your not talking about me...
I can buy about 6 right now, a new video game system just isnt on my buy list right now...
And no one was talking about the cheap little Wii...