I am so tempted to get a PS3 right now...

Lewi T

WiiChat Member
May 28, 2007
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As you all probably know, the new 40gb PS3 is out, selling for £300...meanwhile, remaining 60gb PS3s are being sold, with 2 games, for £350.

Now, I eventually want a PS3 (I decided a long time ago I'd rather have a PS3 than a 360 - this issue needn't be discussed), however I wasn't planning on buying one this year as there are loads of Wii games that I want and that I will be perfectly happy playing with for the foreseeable future. But this offer is only available until the remaining 60gb PS3s are sold out, then only 40gb ones will be available.

Although I don't really have much problem with the 40gb PS3 (I'm not arsed about backwards compatibility as I don't have any PS2 games anymore and I won't be buying any new ones, and the other 'streamlined' refinements appear minimal, I think), it seems logical to get the 60gb with two games for only £50 more! But I'd only be getting it to save money later on, there aren't that many games that I want for it currently, but there are some that I would want when I eventually got a PS3, whether they're out now or coming out in the future.

Another thing is time. I don't have too much time to play on video games, I'm struggling to think how I'm going to have enough time to play all of the Wii games that are coming out, without destroying my degree! So include some more games onto that and there would definitely not be enough time for me to play all of the games that I want (need), unless I played each one for about 5 minutes!

So what does everyone think I should do?
You should wait a while to get a Ps3 when better games come out and see if the Ps3 is successful or not.... I would recommend getting a Ps3 next year....but right now would be a good deal too but yeah I think the Ps3 will have another price drop soon lol
video games first, then maybe study a little bit.. lol

but really, i think you should get the 40g version. who knows how long it will be around. sony keeps changing the models around.

theres always time to play video games (without destroying your life) you should find otu just how many games are coming out that you want, when they come otu and how much free time you can devote to gaming and figureout if youll have any spare time for PS3. or maybe drop a few Wii games and get some better PS3 games. (theres a few good ones out)

i wish i had gone w/a ps3 instead of an xbox..
Sony has launched 4 models in less than a year. They cancel two of them. No console company in history has ever done this! The fact that this console has price dropped 3x in a single year means you should probably wait till 2009. By then Sony will have games like MGS4, FF13, and many other games. There will probably be another price drop better than what is out now. That goes for the Wii, and 360 too. Price drops are in the near future. If you don't own any of them, and money has value to you, I suggest sticking with the PS2, PSP, DS for another year.

However... If it's something you want, then get it. Just bear in mind this is the 4th incarnation, and more will show up along the way. I waited to buy my PS1, PS2, NES, SNES. I rush bought a DC, TG-16, N64. The N64 was a disaster, I bought it so early I had no money for a game until a few months later.
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I wasn't being serious about 'destroying my degree' by the way! Even if I had every system with every game, that wouldn't happen, I rarely do work outside of uni, I get it all done when I'm in. But yeah, I was just making the point that I'd have too many games to be able to play them all for a worthy amount of time!
There are 11/12 games that I really want for the Wii, with 5 of them being released by the end of November. I have also just bought Fifa 08, and I have all the extras to do on RE4, so there's A LOT to keep me occupied on the Wii for like a year! Then that will keep extending with new games being announced, and I haven't even started on the PS3! Games like Resistance, Heavenly Sword, F1, MGS4, GTA IV, and FF13 are ones that I'd want, and I haven't even started looking into PS3 games properly, those are just ones that I know of that I'd want.

Anyway, I see what you're saying sagema, it does seem logical to take a cautious approach to buying a PS3 with Sony's past year record. It's just the current deals for the 60gb are quite amazing condsidering the price of the 40gb, and the original price of the PS3.

Does anyone know the exact differences between the 40 and 60gb models? Well, basically, is there anything that is particularly disadvantaged with the 40gb compared to the 60gb? Is there anything else apart from the fewer USB ports, lack of BC, and no multi memory card port?
You should wait until more games are available on the PS3 (quote: "there aren't that many games that I want for it currently"). People say that buying now is an investment is just foolish. The longer you wait the cheaper it will get. Specially with PS3, as SONY in no position to maintain the this price point for any length of time, as they have tones of inventory to clear, a small game library, a small BD library, and they are in 3rd place behind both MS and Nintendo.
Pikachu256 said:
You should wait a while to get a Ps3 when better games come out and see if the Ps3 is successful or not.... I would recommend getting a Ps3 next year....but right now would be a good deal too but yeah I think the Ps3 will have another price drop soon lol

Wait. If the amount of price drops so far is anything to go by you'll be able to pick one up for a fiver by July.
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After some thinking I've decided to wait. I know that I don't need it yet, it's just the temptation of getting a 60gb before they go gave me something to think about! The 40gb model is bound to come down by the time I do actually want one, so I'll wait until then...plus, my mate bought a 60gb yesterday, took it home, and it didn't work! So he's took it back today to swap it...but I took that as a sign that I shouldn't get one yet.

Also, I didn't realise that the F1 game is last year's! So Hamilton isn't even on it, and Shuey is (not that that's a bad thing, about Shuey being on it).

But yeah, I'm going to wait, I just pre-ordered Metroid so I have that to look forward to, followed by the several games in November that I want.
Fair enough, I heard something about a 160GB PS3, might be coming out after the 60GB's are finished... Or might not be coming out at all... But worth waiting.
I got the 60gb EE version while it was cheap, best time to get a PS3 IMO. Havnt doubted it yet, great fun.
If you can barely keep up with the wii then why in the world would you consider a ps3? You can buy used ones if BC is a big issue, but honestly as cheap as ps2's are right now why not just have an extra one on hand? Instead take the money to a casino or get a couple hundred lap dances at the strip club, honestly.
A 160gb console?! I wonder if it will have some kind of Dual Shock 3 feature? Dual Shock 3 is due out early spring.

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