Do You Know Me?

Umm I don't know if anyone really knows me. I'm pretty unkown I think. I just post useless replies :). TLC is the only one I really recognize from the list. But I sorta know Surfinrach. Paintballer i've been seeing a lot of.
I see FR., Kiraownsurmom and TLC all the time! ottoman once in awhile. but maybe its cause I just joined this month.
I've notices you bubba-ga-nush :D

I just love your username! Freaky as it sounds it's fun to say :)

So seeing you post always brings a smile to my face :) there vodka in this orangeade I'm drinking..
surfinrach90 said:
I've notices you bubba-ga-nush :D

I just love your username! Freaky as it sounds it's fun to say :)

So seeing you post always brings a smile to my face :) there vodka in this orangeade I'm drinking..

i hate every single one of you :mad5:

lol seriously thanks for putting me on the list for one and second thanks for all the comments that everyone has given me. ive said it before on many occassions that i try to reach a common ground with everyone. weither you hate me or love me i dont really care, however, because of my job- i can understand the differences and the opinions that most people just cant comprehend.

i dont create enemies and if i do unintentionally, i appologize and usually make amends. sofar no one is on my "sh*t list" on this site except maybe "sparc" i think hes the only one i dont like. (paintballer and i have a love/hate relationship- think of it as marriage lmfao)

but point blankly i like everyone from this site

ottoman youre sincere, witty, and your posts are always informative

SSBB_lover who isnt on the list is one of the forum vets, hes absolutely fantastic he and i are great friends through this site.

kiraownsyourmom is a BIT obscure but i like that about em!

prinny seriously i love ya kid! i think youre weird as hell sometimes but the ellos are great and i think you are an extreamly bright person. the fact that you can be yourself here with your hentai is amazing to me and you dont let anyone put you down. i think thats great.

bubba_gump isnt mentioned either and hes also wonderful and imformative

surfin rach i never knew that well up until maybe a few weeks ago. i never really payed attention to her posts until we just started talking through some random thread. ever since then i loved the girl! shes funny, charasmatic and she loves my new york-ness (which im on the phone with "websters dictionary" right now trying to make that a word)

everyone else i forgot to mention because im really typing from memory, you guys are all fantastic. i appreciate everyone here and if youre ever in NY, ill take you out in my patrol car and ill even let you turn on the sirens!!!!

stay out of trouble guys!
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zeon9881 said:
^nobody added me to the list and how DARE you loosecannon forget about me (starts cryin like alittle baby)

sh*t i did forget you....damn and i went into a whole speech in the other thread about how ill never forget the little people....oh man!

im a bad person ill go to my corner now.....:wink:

ETA- i also forgot FR, drmario, kamikaze, bubba ga nush and friggen wiiwouldlike2play lmao all you guys are wonderful keep up the good work in making this website great! :thumbsup:

im losing my mind.....i really got to go to bed!!! i should of been in bed 30 min ago when i got home! lol
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I guess I'm not noticed around here. But then agian, I just came here and I just want to know more about the wii not to be a mod or the number one poster. but people like The_Loose_Cannon and surfinrach90 deserve to be noticed for being very helpfull.:thumbsup:
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