Hyrule Historia Limited Edition Now Available For Pre-Order


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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This isn't Wii U related but it is for any Zelda fan...


Word was floating about that Hyrule Historia would be receiving a limited edition release in North America and apparently it’s true.

Hyrule Historia is available in limited edition over at Barnes & Noble and you should be quick to pre-order as there are only 4,000 copies of this version available! The book is slated for a January 29th release early next year (According to the product page) and it’s currently selling for $32.93 with the 52% discount from $70!

The limited edition of Hyrule Historia looks like it could have been pulled off the shelf of one of the sages in Hyrule. The faux-leather hardcover bears the symbol of the Gate of Time, debossed, on the cover, and gold gilded pages. The limited collector’s edition of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is perfect for the hardcore The Legend of Zelda fan!
Dark Horse Books and Nintendo® bring you The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia, containing an unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise. This handsome hardcover contains never-before-seen concept art, the full history of Hyrule, the official chronology of the games, and much more! Starting with an insightful introduction by the legendary producer and video-game designer of Donkey Kong, Mario, and The Legend of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto, this book is crammed full of information about the storied history of Link’s adventures from the creators

themselves! As a bonus, The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia includes an exclusive comic by the foremost creator of The Legend of Zelda manga-Akira Himekawa!

Via http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/c...mer+(Zelda+Informer+News+Feed)#When:22:12:12Z
So, do you HAVE to pre-order? I never liked pre-ordering, never done it, never will. Of course, I am going to have to ask my parents; a "kid" like me has never liked the pre-ordering process. Whatevs :p
Nice, but I probably won't get it. I'm a HUGE fan of the series, however I've never been interested in the merchandise.
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I don't like pro-orders for stuff either, like with wii u, i didn't preorder and now i'm stuck w/ a basic wii but i bought myself a HDD so i'm all good.
Wait, you have to pre-order a Deluxe Wii U? Now that's not good for me if you do. Kinda wanted just Nintendo Land and the Wii U, since, apparently, Zombi U and 007 Legends is terrible... based on reviews on them.
this belongs in the zelda forum lawl

I've never cared for merchandise-anything myself, so this ain't gonna garner my attention. Still cool though. That cover is gonna be my wallpaper one'a these days. :lol:
This would be something I would want, even if I am a 2nd Generation+ Zelda gamer, what ever games that includes. Let's just say OoT and whatever games afterwards. Anyway, I could want to get this, but... whatever...

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