How's the Wii

Jono said:
:mad2: :( :frown2: man i want it soooooooo bad!!!!!! only 5 days to go australia! 5 days filled with torment and hatred that only a wii can cure

I remember when there were 5 days left for the US launch, I wanted to rip my face off in excitement.
nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
LoL. Don't joke about stuff like that:(

:lol: Imagine bro, there would an continent full of extremely angry people. There would be a riot with boomerangs and kangaroos around the world!
Lol, how about kangaroos throwing boomerangs :wtf:

Don't go to a friend's house, don't do anything to "make sure you like it". It's so awsome that anyone will like it, definitely buy it!!! :aureola:

I can give you tons of reasons fo buying one. =)
ssbb_lover said:
Lol, how about kangaroos throwing boomerangs :wtf:

Don't go to a friend's house, don't do anything to "make sure you like it". It's so awsome that anyone will like it, definitely buy it!!! :aureola:

I can give you tons of reasons fo buying one. =)
