How two players can play DDR?


WiiChat Member
Oct 2, 2007
I'm trying to figure out how to get two players to play against each other. It's not clear why the multi-player options are greyed out. Seems like a simple thing to take turns against each other - you don't need two remotes to do that.

Anyone figured out how to do this?

I'm disappointed that the game comes with NO DOCUMENTATION. It's not $20 shareware - and even $20 shareware comes with online documentation. Nothing for DDR. Lameness.

DDR could use its own subcategory.
You need 2 dance mats to play against each other, won't let you otherwise.

Unless you can use the wiimote instead of the mat, then you could use 2 wiimotes.

In any case, you probably still need 2 wiimotes.
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That's disappointing. Seems like an easy thing to do - have the game take turns between people...
benwii said:
That's disappointing. Seems like an easy thing to do - have the game take turns between people...

Well, since only the Workout mode records who is signed on, I don't think it matters. You can just play the same song on the same level again after the first person is done.

By having to pads and playing side by side, you can see who had the better score right away. Also, it's fun to have the hand and foot missile "shot" at your opponent during the match.

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