How to get wii


WiiChat Member
Apr 10, 2007
How in the world can I get the wii for normal price of $249.99? I try to find the wii in stores, but I can't, and the only place I can find it otherwise is on ebay, but they charge $350 minimum for just a basic console. Can anyone tell me where to get a wii for $250 and not a free one, cause I just want to buy it like everyone else can, except not charging people out the wazoo for one.

Any help would be appreciated.
Im sorry, Nintendo didn't realise how popular this console would be and you'll have to wait for them to appear in shops.
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A employee at a best buy said that a company in california who practically nobodys heard about sued nintendo for using their "patent" of the thing that senses the controller in 3d with bluetooth, and they should have had a court case last week, but i don't know what happened. We'll just have to wait and see.

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