How to exit gamecube games in WII


WiiChat Member
Apr 30, 2007
I just got a WII and zelda windwaker. The game works, but when I am done I don't know how to get back to the Wii menu. All I have been able to figure out is resetting the system. When I use the wii remote any button I press just makes all 4 leds flash and nothing happens.

Don't have any Gamcube games yet but as far as i know you can only use Gamecube peripherals in Gamecube mode. Which means the wii remote and nunchuk or whatever you got on the remote will not function...
Basically, once you play a game, it's a gamecube. All you can do is reset.
Waste a few seconds of your life resetting. This problem's came up before, it's really petty...

I can't even think of a solution for it rather than resetting >.>;
Allow me to restate the same thing everybody else has said in an attempt to raise my post count!

Yes, you have to ACTUALLY get UP out of the CHAIR and turn the power off or reset!

I seroiusly would like a firmware update so I can use my wiimote ]:
For the wii has made me lazy-eth.
Trulen said:
Yes, you have to ACTUALLY get UP out of the CHAIR and turn the power off or reset!

I seroiusly would like a firmware update so I can use my wiimote ]:
For the wii has made me lazy-eth.

I was lazy before I got my wii, and I'd love a change as well.

Part of the reason it's so restrictive is to make hacking, modding and piracy harder. The further they keep universal systems (like the sd slot and the usb ports) and already hacked systems (like gamecube mode) from the Wii's core, the better protected it is. As with all such systems, there's no such thing as perfect protection--so law abiding citizens like myself put up with unnecessary inconveniences (resetting is not a big deal, but it's not a big protection either--Nintendo and the media community in general never bother weighing either against each other), and pirates find a way to do their voodoo anyway. Same as always.

I want Nintendo to protect their property, make a profit, and make more games, but most of the DRM (and similar systems) that companies use to do that cause more inconvenience for law-abiding consumers than they bring protection from pirates. Nintendo (and every other similarly situated company) cares not, since there's no alternative. If we want to play Wii, we do it on their terms. Our convenience is not a priority.
Most people see the wii's ability to play gamecube games as an ability of the wii when in actuality the wii simply includes the gamecube hardware, when you boot a gamecube game from your wii all you're doing it starting up a gamecube more or less. Like people have said none of the wii accessories will work because you're really just playing a gamecube.

As far as your lights flashing on your wiimote. Whenever you hit a button on the wiimote it flashes and the number of LEDs that flash (one, two, three, or four) coincide with the power left in the wiimote's batteries. The fact that they don't stay lit means that the wiimote didn't detect a wii nearby because your wii is turned off and it's gamecube half is breathing life.

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