How to connect to internet with wii?

You can still do it, get a wifi usb adapter for the computer. And when that computer is on the internet, you can connect to the adapter and be on the internet. Doesn't matter what your connection is. Though it will probably time out or take hours upon hours to download stuff with 56k.
Inspire said:
#1 - It can. One will probably have to be put into a bridged mode and used as a hub. Only one device can actually act as a router (that manages your internet connection). My suggestion is this - just use the wireless router - most of them have ethernet ports and, as such, can also act as a wired router (so you can plug your bro's computer into it, too). This way, you only have one peice of equipment to fight with rather than two - which can potentially be a hassle.

#2 - The Wii can only connect via Wireless out-of-the box (It does not have an ethernet port bulit-in). Now, you can buy an accessory that converts one of th Wii's USB ports into an ethernet port. It's $30, but if you do that, you'll be able to use an ethernet cable to connect your Wii to the internet.

No stress, man - just ask, and we'll do our best to help you; we're all in this together, ya know...:smilewinkgrin:

EDIT: @ spitfire - having a wired connection will make the connection stronger than a wired one, but plugging a wireless router into a wired router doesnt affect the signal. I know that's probably not what you meant, but I just wanted to clarify in case Zori didn't catch it.

Oh WOW thanks a bunch that cleared up a lot of stuff for me. thanks buddy :D
vagrant said:
You can still do it, get a wifi usb adapter for the computer. And when that computer is on the internet, you can connect to the adapter and be on the internet. Doesn't matter what your connection is. Though it will probably time out or take hours upon hours to download stuff with 56k.

actually, the virtual games are probably only about 5 mbs each(for nes or snes) meaning it would take... about 30 secs.
except that 56k is 56 kiloBITS rather than kiloBYTES (1 byte = 8 bits). So 56 kilobits per second = 7 kilobytes per second. Which means it's closer to 12 minutes to download a 5 MB file at that speed.

God help you if you want to dl OoT (if they ever offer it) on a 56k connection. The ROM on that one was about 30 MB or so...
jakke said:
If you buy Wii before July2007, you dont need to pay anything for browser, you get the browser for free. After that you need to buy it, but it wont cost as much as you are saying. It will cost some Wiipoints, but we dont know yet how many points.

And there is no thing like "Nintendos own internet"..
Internet is Internet..
perfectly said
I know a lot about computers and such, but I don't know much about networks. Fortunatly I do have some knowledge with internet transfer protocols. Anyways, my understanding is that WiFi is a method used to interface with a computer wirelessly. So even if Im on dial-up, as long I am connected to the internet, I should be able to interface with it wirlessly through nintendo's usb adapter.

Also, I do not have access to broadband or anything faster than dial-up. Well... I may have access to the next level up... ISDN or something. Im not really sure, but I know thats its only about 128kbps. So anyways...

And ya, most virtual console games will only be about 5mb. Some 64 games are around 16, I have downloaded a few roms ;). But I don't intend on getting OoT, I have the collecters edition on the gamecube!

And besides, I have left my computer on over night downloading files that are 60+megs!
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Inspire said:
except that 56k is 56 kiloBITS rather than kiloBYTES (1 byte = 8 bits). So 56 kilobits per second = 7 kilobytes per second. Which means it's closer to 12 minutes to download a 5 MB file at that speed.

God help you if you want to dl OoT (if they ever offer it) on a 56k connection. The ROM on that one was about 30 MB or so...

exactly. Took the almost exact words out of my mouth. I was even going to use the 7 kb estimate :)

I thought I'd quote myself, from an old post in another thread.
yosh64 said:
Here are the range of cartridge/ROM sizes for each Nintendo console.

NES: 64Kbit - 4Mbit (8KB - 512KB)
SNES: 2Mbit - 32Mbit (256KB - 4MB)
N64: 32Mbit - 512Mbit (4MB - 64MB)

Incase you don't know 1Mbit is equal to 125KB. I would also think that each ROM would be compressed in some manner, making them even smaller. You also should remember that games may not use all the storage space of the cartridge. Finally, I would also like to mention that I think hardly any N64 games (well I only know of 1, which is Resident Evil 2) used a 64MB Cartridge, I think on average they would use 8MB - 16MB sized cartridges/ROMs.

Also, you must remember that Electronic Manuals will also be provided, and probably other media for the Wii Channels. But yea, I think all these will be compressed also.

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Does anyone know if they will be bringing out a WiFi USB Adaptor specifically for Wii, like they did for DS, OR will the DS adaptor be compatible with Wii?

I've never done online gaming before myself so I dont expect any retorts along the lines of f#!@in "what a noobish question", because if I knew then I wouldnt be asking would I!

And for those who would think to make remarks like that, you forget that before you knew the answer or about the piece of equipment in general you too had questions, so remember that next time someone else asks one!
Please PLEASE don't play Wii online if your on dial up because this will lag the heck outs of people you play nad if enough people start playing on nintendos service using dial up the whole system will lag aol is $20 a month Verizon Wireless dsl is $14.95 Cox Cable is like $30 a month if you can get it in your area Verizon Fios Fiber optic internet is $45 a month and is 35x faster then cable and like 10000x faster then dial up. If you live in new york and some other towns they actualy provide wireless internet for free in most areas so check up on that you may be able to get your wii online with free wireless!

@KaDee: I assume there is going to be a WiFi USB adaptor specifically for the Nintendo Wii. Although I'm not sure if it has been announced by Nintendo? Hmm, and I don't really know if the Nintendo DS WiFi USB adaptor will be compatible or not?

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You don't need a wifi adapter specifically for the Wii. ANY WiFi adapter will work. You just need to have a wifi hotspot in general. WiFi is WiFi. WiFi itself has nothing to do with nintendo.
You mean a wireless router or hotspot, right? You don't need a Wireless adaptor for the Wii - WiFi is bulit-in.
Just to go back to the original guys post, he says he does not have a computer, So if he got an ISP wouldnt it be enough to just have the modem straight to the Wii. Does he really need a router? Can the Wii's WIFI USB adapter plug into a modem? These are questions, do not flame me, i have seen several posts in this thread flamed for no reason. I just do not have a large amount of "know how" on wireless stuff.

@Slade: I think that's an interesting point. But I think you would need the Nintendo Wii Ethernet adaptor to connect the modem to the Wii? but I'm not sure if this would work? Hmm, I doubt you could plug a USB modem strait into the Nintendo Wii, and have it work either (not that this is what you suggested), but I dunno :\.

Well I think the up side of a WiFi Router is that any other WiFi devices you have would be ready to use :). So if you look at the bigger picture, is it better to buy a WiFi Router, or the Nintendo Wii Ethernet adaptor? (assuming this would work) ;).

Ohh, and here is a recent post I made in another simular thread.
yosh64 said:
Hmm, I just done a bit of research on things... and I think it should be possible to connect the Nintendo Wii to the Internet without a computer, I think you would just need a WiFi Router and a Modem.

Hmm, but hopefully your modem doesn't need any software drivers, or power from your computers USB port. But maybe if you have a modem that requires power from your computers USB port, you could plug it into one of the Nintendo Wii's USB ports instead?

I advise reading How WiFi Works. Ohh, and I think Nintendo may provide instructions for such things?

Anyhows, I hope that helps in some way :).

Edit, so to answer UkranianTractor's original question.

UkranianTractor said:
I've never used a console to play online before. I don't have a PC. How do I get hooked up to the net?!

1. I think you need to find and join a broadband ISP (Internet Service Provider), I think you should put quite a bit of research into this, and compare and find the cheapest and best for you. Lookout for any catches, limits and/or hidden costs and such.

2. Next, you will need to get a suitable modem. The broadband ISP plan you select may provide you with a modem. I think you should try to avoid a USB based modem, as I think these may require a computer to function. I think it might be wise to ask specifically if the modem you are getting is suitable for a WiFi Router (or home WiFi Network), for a gaming console, and without a computer.

3. I think you should find and purchase a suitable WiFi Router. You should put some research into this, as I have read posts about bad WiFi Router performance or whatever.

4. I strongly advise you to do your research. Read How WiFi Works, and one of the articles it refers to, such as How To Set Up A Wireless Home Network. I think your ISP may provide instructions, and be helpful for setting up WiFi. I think Nintendo may also provide instructions for such things.

5. Again, do your research... you don't want to be stuck with sucky equiptment and/or ISP contract or whatever.

Finally, I cannot claim that following these instructions will result in a working Internet Connection for your Wii, as I don't even have WiFi setup myself or anything. This is just my theory, that I have never put into practise. So it's probably best that you wait for people who already do have WiFi setup, and have them confirm my guide or whatever.

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