How the Wii improved the quality of my brothers life.


The Dance Commander
Oct 2, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Wii Online Code
When my brother was younger he was quite adept at sports, and practically every aspect of life. He was going to be a Major League baseball star, they already had scouts on him. But when he was 17 a drunk driver hit him when he was broken down on the side of the road. He was rendered into a coma for two weeks. It's been 13 years now, and he's almost completely paralyzed. Needless to say, he wouldn't be swinging a baseball bat again.
That's when Wii came onto the scene. He's reached pro status in baseball and tennis. Being a gamer in his time, he appreciated being able to effectively interface with a peice of high tech gear like the Nintendo Wii. And now he is able to do so many of the things that they said he would never do again.
So, thank you Nintendo, you've done a great deed.
Sorry to hear the beginning bit, it is a shame that some pathetic people choose to go drinking then drive.

Nice to see that he has been giving another chance at the things he loves, nice to see a heart warming story. You made my day:yesnod:

I wish you and your brother the best of luck in the future.
I've said it before and i will say it again.. The Wii produces Miricals. The wii Gave me A best friend..i don't know if you guys know a guy name Jenova on wiichat..well i met him here on wiichat about a year ago..We have been best friends for a year because of introduced us. But wiichat is hear because of a console..thus the wii. But even if it has found me a Perfect Friend.

Moreover, The wii gave Jenova more then what the wii gave me. Number one he got me as a perfect friend, but he also met the girl of his life on this forum, You might know her as Saku. She and Jenova are a couple for about 9 or 10 month now. So the wii is a Mirical Maker...And wiichat, made it all happen.
DelMaximum said:
When my brother was younger he was quite adept at sports, and practically every aspect of life. He was going to be a Major League baseball star, they already had scouts on him. But when he was 17 a drunk driver hit him when he was broken down on the side of the road. He was rendered into a coma for two weeks. It's been 13 years now, and he's almost completely paralyzed. Needless to say, he wouldn't be swinging a baseball bat again.
That's when Wii came onto the scene. He's reached pro status in baseball and tennis. Being a gamer in his time, he appreciated being able to effectively interface with a peice of high tech gear like the Nintendo Wii. And now he is able to do so many of the things that they said he would never do again.
So, thank you Nintendo, you've done a great deed.
Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope hes okay now and enjoys his wii =).
I am sorry to hear about your brother, but am happy he is doing better.
Drunk driving doesn't get enough attention, it deserves more.
People get away with too much these days.

Again, sorry to hear that, but I am glad he is doing better.
I'm very glad to hear that is has helped your brother out, sorry to hear about what happened to him, but that is life sometimes, gives people the short end of the stick when they don't deserve it. Hope he continues to enjoy it, as well as you.
I am very sorry to hear that. I am glad that the Wii has given your brother something to enjoy in his spare time, and I wish him the best of luck for the future.
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Thank you all for your kind words. Sorry for being a bit of a downer, but I wanted to share with you what the Wii has done.

And now, to go play Twilight Princess!
You should contact Nintendo about how the Wii has helped your brother. I think they would appreciate it (and get the PR and marketing guys to beat it up).

I really am sorry to hear about your brother.
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I sent Nintendo an email a while ago, but nothing came of it. It's alright, I don't expect that there's much they can do, I already think them a fantastic company.
Hey Sorry About Your Brother. Im Really Happy To Hear That Hes Doing Really Well Though:yesnod: And I Hope You And Your Bro Have A Happy Life In The Future.

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