How much u pay for ur new Nintendo Wii

Mine cost $249.99 plus tax at the store, but I didn't pay that much. My g/f put $100 in for my b-day present and I traded in my GC, some controllers and a bunch of games. I only ended up paying like $80 out of my pocket for it.
Well, I had a coupon for $5 off...
So, it was about $2.99. I could have got it for $1.50 but my other coupon was expired. :mad5:
i stole mine from a cripple kid in a wheelchair rolling out of bestbuy:lol:
ROB64 said:
i stole mine from a cripple kid in a wheelchair rolling out of bestbuy:lol:

Man some guys had all the luck...I had to buy mine...
lol, i love your milk carton image "xxmarioxx".
i payed £180, and we got wii sports in a plastic case, and the internet was free to download, i'll convert the rate:
Live rates at 2008.01.11 10:08:33 UTC
180.00 GBP


351.820 USD
United Kingdom Pounds United States Dollars
1 GBP = 1.95455 USD 1 USD = 0.511626 GBP

That's today though, 11th Jan 08, we bought it December 06, i'm sure the dollar was stronger back then. The wii still sell's for the same price here in UK, has it gone down in the states? Instead of dropping the prices, here, retailer's have just started selling wii's in £300 bundle packs, varying around that sort of number, but i've seen allot of bundles for £300!
bigwilliiy said:
zomg, did u get it off ebay ?? idk why people buy this kinda crap of the net for double the price, when if u just wait a while or order it from a game shop u could possably get it twice as cheap
IDR 3,750,000

Which is about $375 usd
...Quite overpriced, however since it was modded ((All are modded over here, nothing is authentic)) the games are all super cheap, usually less then $1

And to make this very clear, I'm not advertising or promoting buying modded/pirated anything, however living in this part of the world, it's the only reasonable option. Any other choice would require me going online to purchase, probably off ebay, and paying extreme shipping costs.

Thankfully, this has allowed me the benefit of collecting quite a library of games, many of which I still have not even opened.

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