How loud will the Wii be?

if you read the interview on they talk about the amount of noise the console will make and the factors that they took into consideration when making the console really small yet having the console have an ALWAYS on feature :p
Lets do this, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being 360 loud, 1 being GC loud, the wii should be about -4.
Well judging by the size of the Wii, it should be almost nothing when turned on. On the other hand, my 360 sounds like a 747 Jet taking off. But yeah, the Wii should be very quiet.
Well it can't be that loud i mean the gamecube was silent enough so why would the wii be any diffrent
All Out said:
On the other hand, my 360 sounds like a 747 Jet taking off. But yeah, the Wii should be very quiet.

Mines quite quiet, or at least it's covered by the sounds of gunshots
The Wii is designed with gamers and NON-GAMERS in mind. I don't think Nintendo would risk selling a noisy console to their main target audience. Expect it to be whisper quiet.
Wilko21 said:
What does 90MN and 65NM mean? I think that the PS3 will actually be a really good console in terms of bugs and stuff. I think Sony might have learned from Microsoft's mistake in the 360 and kinked out all the bugs and it should be nice and quiet.

The Wii however will be so quiet that it'll suck up sound like a blackhole!
the NM is nanometers, it's refering to the size of the processor core. It actually has nothing to do with sound at all.
The Wii features a fan nearly identical to the one found in the GameCube, except for the fact that it can be throttled when the system is idle or in standby mode.

So, expect the system to be whisper quiet.
The size in nanometers refers to the size of board the cpu is printed on. All that means is that the PS3 is running on a smaller size cpu, and this doesnt effect speed or power at all. Currently, the chips running in most of the new computers are on the 90 NM chip, as far as I know. This is nothing to do with the topic at all really.
On a Gametrailer(.com) i saw they said that "Wouldint it (Suck) if your mom came in in the middle of the night and unnplugged your Wii because of the fan being to loud?, And you were the middle of a WiiConnect24 download?. Im sure it would, So we designed the Wii's fan so quit that not even you can hear the Wii!"
Flip said:
The size in nanometers refers to the size of board the cpu is printed on. All that means is that the PS3 is running on a smaller size cpu, and this doesnt effect speed or power at all. Currently, the chips running in most of the new computers are on the 90 NM chip, as far as I know. This is nothing to do with the topic at all really.

The smaller the cpu die manufactuing process(NM) the less heat the processor will give out and the less speed you can run the fan at because it has less heat to deal with so doesnt need to cool as much, and less speed on a fan = less noise,

but since the ps3 chips will be more powerful than the wii's they will create more heat anyway and need good cooling so comparing 90nm(wii) to 65nm
(ps3) in this case dont matter

i have a computer with silent 6 fans and its a 90nm chip and overclocked so more powerful than the wii will be and i dont hear it over background noise,
so only way wii will be noticible is if it has a really small fast spinning fan which i doubt

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