how long did it take u 2 beat metriod prime?

JCpackers05 said:
Prime 1 - 12, and i have 96% done so no i didnt just rush through
Prime 2 - also 12, and i beat it with 100% so no i didnt rush through that either
prime 3 - im gonna say 20-25 hours.
i dont get your numbers
what you think, not want.
^I agree that these are some biased opinions. Someone could argue that they've taken MUCH more time with MP3, but I doubt they were adding anything to the game that will make it any longer, just better.

However, 12's a pretty good number. Most people will see times of 17-19 imo. I'm going to have to stand by his estimate of 20-25 (thats how long it will take ME (trying to get 100% and all scans) not someone who is beating the game to say they've beaten it).